Chapter 16

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- Blue : Well...
- Green : Well because we have something to do.
- Police 2 : Overslept?.
- Color gang : * Startled *.
- Yellow : * Snarls * Let's get in line.

• Pool.

- Junior : It's so cool , come down.
- TDL : I don't want.
- Junior : It's hot , why don't you go swimming?.
- TDL : Not interested.
- Color gang : * Looks at TDL *.
- Red : Should we push him down?.
- Blue : Push him down too.
- TSC : Block?.
- Yellow : Yeah.
- Green : Let's do it.
- TDL : " Why do I feel creepy? ".
- Color gang : * Walks back to TDL *.
- TDL : * Turns around *.
- TSC : Hello.
- TDL : ?.
- Color gang : * Pushes TDL into the water *.
- TDL : !.
- Junior : Damn.
- Color gang : Hahaaa.
- Color gang : * Run out *.
- TDL : Damn.
- TSC : I wonder if I'll be scolded later?.
- Green : Probably yes.
- Blue : Definitely so.

• Canteen.

- Yellow : Luckily he didn't curse us.
- Blue : Still quite scared because we're still in the night.
- TSC : Oh yeah , if we don't get scolded now , we will be abused by him at night.
- Police 1 : What did you guys do to him that makes you guys so scared?.
- Red : We pushed him into the pool.

• Everyone was silent.

- Police 3 : You guys are definitely dead.

• Night.

• Color gang lost to TDL throughout the game.

- Yellow : Please forgive us.
- TDL : No.
- Red : (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠).
- Blue : Damn.
- TSC : Forgive us.
- TDL : You guys like to destroy me.
- Color gang : We're sorry.
- TDL : Haizzzz.

• The next day.

- TDL : I don't want to meet them at all.

• The door is about to open.

- TDL : Grrrrr * Holds pillow *.

• The door opens.

- TDL : * Hit * Go die.

• TDL beats continuously.

- TDL : Grrrrr you guys keep destroying me.
- TSC : TDL 💦.
- TDL : What do you want-...
- TDL : * Turns to look at TSC *.
- TSC : Hi (⁠・ั⁠ω⁠・ั⁠).
- TDL : * Dumb *.
- TCO : Are you done beating me?.
- TDL : * Looks at TCO *.
- TCO : What?.
- TDL : Nothing.
- TCO : Then get off me.
- TDL : " Damn did I sit on TCO ".
- TCO : Hey.
- TDL : * Blushes , startles and stands up *.
- TCO : * Stands up * Was beaten early in the morning.
- TDL : * Looks away *.
- TSC : Why is your face so red?.
- TDL : Shut up.
- TSC : ??.
- TCO : Let's go.

• Rice field.

- TDL : * Lost concentration *.
- Junior : Boss , what's wrong?.
- TDL : Nothing * Sneaked a look at TCO *.

• Canteen.

- TDL : * Looks at TCO *.
- TCO : * Talks *.
- Police 1 : Is your hand okay?.
- TCO : Yes , it's fine.
- Police 3 : You still have a few days to go back to work.
- TCO : If I take a break , I'm afraid my boss will yell.
- Police 1 : The boss told me to leave but I'm still scared.
- Police 2 : You're an excellent person , so you're definitely not afraid of being scolded.
- TSC : He's always worried about being scolded by his boss , so he's always sitting at the computer working.
- TCO : Hey TSC.

• Everyone glares at TCO.

- TCO : Come on , my hand was fine then I just started working.
- TSC : He's probably going to be single because he's not married yet.
- TCO : TSC!.

• Everyone laughed.

- TCO : So why don't you find a lover?.


Chapter 17 is Coming Soon.

TWO WORLDS! [Alan Becker]Where stories live. Discover now