Chapter 17

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"Oh my! What's happen with that kid?"

"I don't know, he was found in the vicinity of a resident's warehouse."

"What happened? I saw her lying on the ground with a boy who was worse than her."

"Really? Gosh, for the sake of the great king Rod, I hope that boy is alright."

The sounds of commotion from the people around disturbed my hearing. I could hear every word they said. I could even feel my body floating, a sign that someone was carrying me. But I was unable to open my eyes. Tiredness, drowsiness, and numbness still attacked me. I couldn't even move a finger.

What was going on? Why was I taken away? Wasn't I with Bertholdt yesterday? Ah, that's right!! Where is he now?! How is he? Come on Reiner, move. Open your eyes! Your best friend needs you!

"...B-berth... "

"Hang in there kid, we're on our way to the nearest clinic. We've already taken care of your friend first. Be patient, we'll be there soon." The voice of a middle-aged man responded to me. Even up close, I could feel his panic and the sound of his labored breathing as he ran with me. But his statement calmed me down considerably.

I see, gosh ... I don't know what I would have done if Bertholdt hadn't gotten treatment first. I can't live without him, even though I still have Annie. But to me, Bertholdt is the only friend who really understands me. This way, I can sleep peacefully.

* * * * *







My eyes slowly opened. The first thing I saw was the wooden ceiling. This all-white room looks small but feels cozy. My gaze wandered, for a moment I was still processing all the things that happened to me earlier.

"...B-Bert-...holdt?" As soon as the name came out, panic struck me again.


When I forced myself out of bed, I immediately fell to the floor, grimacing in pain, "Arrgh! Shit!"

"Gosh, kid! Calm down. Your condition hasn't recovered yet!" A woman rushed into the room as soon as she heard the sound of something falling. She wanted to help me back into bed, but I refused.

"I want to see my best friend! Don't hold me back!" Of course I was angry. But what the hell, when the golden eyesight looked down, my legs were already wrapped in white bandages complete with straight wooden sticks on both sides. That meant they were broken from last night's trap. Those horrible serrations actually touched my shinbone.

'So this is why I fell down right away? Haha, how weak ...'

Everything that happened to us frustrated me. I started moaning angrily, roaring Bertholdt's name, the woman finally called the doctor and tried to restrain me. I couldn't escape as a syringe pierced the skin of my hand. Making me inevitably fall back asleep. But I caught the woman's words before I could close my eyes.

"Go to sleep, kid. Your friend is still undergoing surgery to remove the bullet. I don't know how you got it, but I hope this little clinic isn't burned down and we don't get the death penalty if someone from King Rod finds out ..."

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