The Days Of Old

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Having elected to watch over the camp while the others collected firewood, Lena allows herself a moment to take it all in. When Hades banished her to this land he thought he was punishing her, but really her set her free. Free to traverse the taverns and form alliances without a care in the world- what more could a seventeen year old girl want?

Modern technology- that's what. Despite the place in her heart reserved for the Enchanted Forest, she was more comfortable in Regina's cursed world. And now Gold had brought magic there she'd be able to do as she pleased again, once she stole it back from him and skinned him alive.

In her pondering she fails to notice the crunch of footsteps gingerly approaching from behind until she has a dagger held to her throat.

"Don't move."A girlish voice warns and Lena arches a brow in amusement. "Philips gone because of you."

And as the girl moves to point the blade at the branding on Lena's forearm she seizes the opportunity to spin around and catch the girl in a headlock, throwing her to the ground and smirking down at her as she gawps up at her like a frightened animal.

"Finally. I haven't killed anyone lately and i've got an itch that needs scratching." Lena grins, eyes glinting wildly as she toys with her options. Just as she makes to plunge her hand into Aurora's chest which, without being able to enchant the heart, would make for a particularly unpleasant ending, a gunshot rings out.

"Lena, stop!" Emma shouts just as Snow and Mulan arrive on the scene, looking at the blonde accusingly.

"She tried to kill me!" Lena looks as though she can't believe she's having to defend herself "do you have any idea what you've just done?"

Before Emma can reply with something witty a beastly yell shakes the tall pines and she winces. "Oh. Shit. Ogres?"

"Run!" Snow yells, and Mulan grasps the princesses arm and pulls her toward the river while the others bolt across the clearing into the thicket of the woods. "Split up!"

Still in her heeled boots Lena tries her best to remain steady on the treacherous terrain but she doesn't make it far before her ankle twists and she lands on her butt with a thud.

"Shit!" Emma mutters when she notices the lack of complaining behind her, turning back with a roll of her eyes and racing to Lena before the ogre can reach her. She draws her gun and fires at its chest, but it only provokes the beasts fury further and with one swipe it sends the handgun hurtling across the clearing.

"Seriously?" Emma grunts as she tries to pull Lena to her feet, wincing at the bellowing roar that echoes from the humanoid giant.

"Stay away from my daughter!" Snow appears behind the ogre with an arrow in position, firing it into its eye the moment it spins on her and sending it crashing to the ground, stirring up a thick cloud of dirt on impact. Snow pulls the arrow from its eye socket with a squelch that makes Lena groan in sickness. "We should go in case it had company. Lets find Mulan and Aurora."

Lena brushes the dust off her denim jeans and glares at Emma. "If you'd just let me kill her-"



It's early nightfall by the time they reach Snows castle in the west of the infinite forest, and Emma stands outside on the bridge gazing up at the towering turrets in wonderment.

"We'll stand guard." Mulan declares as the trio carry on inside of the Royal Castle, and Emma frowns when Lena, irritated by a distracted Snow, takes it upon herself to lead the way to Emma's nursery.

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