Old Habits

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By the time they've all regrouped a tearful Emma has unlocked the map by admitting that despite having been reunited with her parents, she still feels like an orphan. With the location of the camp now revealed Hook devises a plan to have an old friend of his and Lena's infiltrate Pan's lair in exchange for passage back to Storybrooke with them, and after a brief run in with Regina, Tinkerbell agrees to hear them out.

"You know where Pan is?" Snow doesn't waste any time.

The blonde fairy arches a brow. "Sure. But it won't do you a bit of good."

"Let us be the judge of that." Charming advises "does he trust you? Can you get us inside his camp and out?"

"Maybe. But what's in it for me? Other than a death sentence from Pan when you're gone with your boy." Tink purses her lips doubtfully, but Emma gives her a promising look.

"You can come with us. A home. That is what you want, isn't it?"

"Oh, come on, Tink." Lena encourages, throwing an arm over the other womans shoulder when she appears reluctant. "It'll be just like old times."

"That's hardly tempting." Tink snorts, but the playful smirk on her lips suggests otherwise. "Ugh- Okay. Listen closely. Pan trusts me. He'll let me in. And maybe, just maybe I'll leave a way open for you. But you'll only get one shot. So you'd better have a good plan."

"Thank you." The saviour sighs in relief. "Come with us to our camp. We'll figure it out."

Lena and Tink walk arm in arm at the back of the group, and she must admit she gains some satisfaction from the barely contained jealousy emanating from Regina as she stalks ahead. "You never told me it was the Evil Queen who clipped your wings."

"Oh, she did much more than that." The fairy scoffs "I've yet to come across anyone more selfish."

"Well, you hardly get out a lot." Lena taunts, casting a brief glance back at the tree house shack the fairy had been occupying. "I could probably give her a run for her money."

Tink fixes her with a knowing look. "You're selfish, Lena. But you're also loyal. The only reason I agreed to help is because you earned some good will with me."

"Not because you wanna be able to shower someplace that isn't a snake ridden waterfall?" The brunette taunts, before asking when she's sure there's enough distance between them and the others. "So, what happened with you and Regina?"

The deceivingly delicate fairy glares daggers at the back of her majesty's head. "I saved her life, and we became friends for a while despite the Blue Fairy having forbidden me from liaising with the Evil Queen. I sacrificed everything to help her find her true love, to get her happy ending, but after we found him, she ran. Blue found out i'd been helping her and... that was it, for me."

"Her... true love?" Lena hadn't even heard the rest of the story, feeling like she'd been punched in the gut.

"Yes. Some guy, with a lion tattoo on his forearm. She never found him, did she?"

The brunette gulps, staring ahead at Regina as they walk. "No... no, she didn't."

"There's something you're not telling me." The blonde accuses, brow's knit together. "The dreams. They've come back, haven't they?"

Tink was the only person she'd ever told about what the dreams entailed, the only person besides Hook and his crew who knew about the daughter she'd lost. "They're... they're not just dreams, Tink. She's real- I saw her. Here."

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