Chapter 5 (Starflight):

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Starflight's talons touched the sharp tip of the crown, and he winced slightly.

"Yep, this is definitely a crown." Starflight confirmed.

"It is," Starflight heard Fatespeaker respond, as she took the crown from his talons.

"Put the crown down," the booming voice of Shore responded.

"Fatespeaker, can you see this dragon, or can you just hear his voice?" Starflight asked.

"I can't see him." Fatespeaker replied. Starflight heard the crown hit the ground as Fatespeaker put it down.

"Woah!" Fatespeaker yelled.

"What?!" Starflight asked in a mix of confusion and panic.

"The crown's gone!" Fatespeaker answered. "He took it!"

"He has to be invisible or something..." Starflight said aloud.

"Maybe he's part RainWing?" Fatespeaker asked.

"Maybe, but I've never heard of a RainWing animus before..." Starflight replied.

"There's always a first for everything. He could be a hybrid, too." Fatespeaker told Starflight.

Starflight heard Shore chuckle.

"Fatespeaker, did the crown turn invisible when he took it?" Starflight asked.

"I think so..." Fatespeaker answered doubtfully.

"Then, he isn't a RainWing. RainWing camouflage only works on their own scales." Starflight explained.

"Wow, how smart!" Shore responded. "Alright, let's get on with this, I'm getting bored."

How many times have dragons actually came through here? Is this some kind of game to whatever dragon we're talking to?

"Get on with what?" Fatespeaker questioned.

"Trying to get out of here!" Shore answered. "Now come on, tons of death traps await you! Isn't that fun?"

Starflight's expression turned to a mix of confusion, horror, and utter shock.

"No?!" Starflight answered Shore. "That is the literal opposite of fun."

"I mean... it could be exciting," Fatespeaker said.

"Fatespeaker, now is really not the time to be optimistic," Starflight responded with a sigh.

"Yes, it is!" Shore yelled. "Now come on, before your journey ends all too soon!"

Fatespeaker took hold of Starflight's talons again, and led him farther into the tunnel.

"Alright! The first trap you'll encounter is-" Shore began to say.

Fatespeaker grabbed a spear out of mid-air as it came towards her head, although Starflight couldn't see it.

"Nice reflexes..." Starflight heard Shore grumble.

"I grabbed a spear coming towards my head, Starflight." Fatespeaker explained.

Oh. Shore almost sounds... disappointed? Is he literally just here to watch us fail? Is this amusing to him... somehow? Three moons, I have a lot of questions...

"How old are these spears?" Fatespeaker asked.

"I don't keep track of time," Shore answered Fatespeaker casually.

Starflight felt dust hit his face.

"Fatespeaker, what was that?" Starflight questioned, with a hint of annoyance in his tone.

"Sorry, Starflight, the arrow kind of... crumbled." Fatespeaker explained.

"They must be pretty old then..." Starflight thought aloud. "Fatespeaker, the other traps might be old and non-working too." he whispered to her.

"Hmm, do I hear gossip?" Shore asked. "Keeping secrets is never the right answer."

He sounds like someone trying to teach a baby dragonet, but with a lot more hidden malice to his voice...

"No, it's nothing," Fatespeaker answered sweetly. Starflight could tell that she was faking it, but he hoped that the mystery dragon couldn't.

Shore didn't answer.

Fatespeaker continued to lead Starflight. They approached some sort of "room" with a tiled floor.

"Starflight, this trap might be a bit difficult." Fatespeaker worried.

"What is it?" he asked.

"There's tiles on the floor, with symbols and stuff..." Fatespeaker answered.

"Ah, yes!" Shore suddenly shouted.

Starflight jumped a little.

"Can you stop with the unexpected shouting?" Starflight asked in annoyance. "It's starting to freak me out."

"Ha, but that's what makes it fun!" Shore answered. "Now that we're done with that, I'm... not going to help you with this one! Bye for now!"

"Seriously?!" Fatespeaker yelled. "I'm starting to get annoyed with this dragon..."

"Starting to?!" Starflight yelled. He took a deep breath. "Sorry, Fatespeaker, I'm not yelling because I'm mad at you."

"It's fine, I understand." Fatespeaker replied. "Um... how are we supposed to pass this now?"

"Wait, Fatespeaker, are the traps only on the floor?" Starflight questioned.

"Yes, why?" she answered.

"I think I know why the mystery dragon didn't want to help us." Starflight said. "We can just fly over them."

Fatespeaker didn't speak for a moment.

"Are you actually serious right now...?" she asked, almost sarcastically.

"Yep." Starflight answered.

"I can see, and somehow I didn't notice that-" Fatespeaker said. "No offense, by the way."

"None taken," Starflight replied.

Fatespeaker took off, and led Starflight over the tiles.

Once they had landed, Starflight began to talk again.

"Maybe all of those dragons didn't make it through here because they didn't actually think about these traps." Starflight wondered aloud.

"Highly incorrect!" Shore shouted.

Starflight jumped again. Fatespeaker placed her talons on Starflight's shoulder.

"Might not want to make him mad, Starflight." Fatespeaker told him. "I get that he's annoying, but we don't actually know who he is or what he's capable of."

We don't... but is there some way we can find out? Maybe I can try asking him a few questions, carefully...

Fate of the Stars: A WoF AUWhere stories live. Discover now