Chapter 8 (Fatespeaker):

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a big thanks to @NoYounglings , who assisted me in writing this chapter (i have no clue how to write ship stuff LOL)

"Huh?" Fatespeaker exclaimed.

A SandWing/SeaWing hybrid was standing in front of her.

"Where did you come from?" she asked.

The dragon smiled, and disappeared as soon as it had appeared.

"That was strange. Let's keep going, Starflight." Fatespeaker took Starflight's talons in her own.

They walked through the rest of the cave, even passing by the pedestal where Shore once stood.

"Are we close, Fatespeaker?" Starflight asked. "Close to the exit, I mean."

"Wait..." Fatespeaker trailed off as she spotted something unusual. "Look, the exit!" she exclaimed.

The exit opened into another area of the school.

The two NightWings quickened their pace, and ran out the tunnel.

The exit sealed shut behind them.

Fatespeaker saw a bag lying by where the exit once was. "Starflight-"

She handed the bag to Starflight, and he felt what was inside. "My scrolls!" he exclaimed happily.

Out of excitement, Starflight wrapped Fatespeaker in a hug.

Fatespeaker was taken aback. She paused for a moment, and their eyes locked.

They stood there for a while, until Fatespeaker decided to break the silence.

"Starflight, can I tell you something?" she asked nervously.

"Yes, of course you can." Starflight whispered softly.

Fatespeaker looked around before speaking, and took a deep breath.

"Starflight... I love you, and... I have loved you for a while now. After all we've been through, it's really made me realize that... I don't want to lose you."


"I love you too."

Fatespeaker was surprised by this answer. "But what about Sunny?"

"She never really loved me back, so I stopped caring about her. I decided to start focusing on the dragon I truly had feelings for..."


Starflight looked at Fatespeaker.

Fatespeaker didn't know how to respond, so she looked back at Starflight. "Oh... really?"

"Yes, of course. I would never lie to you, Fatespeaker." Starflight replied with a smile.

Fatespeaker hugged Starflight tighter, full of happiness.

Once Fatespeaker finally let go, she looked across the hallway.

"We can go back to my office if you'd like." Fatespeaker suggested.

Starflight grabbed onto Fatespeaker's talons, and held on tightly.

Fatespeaker knew that Starflight didn't need her help getting to her office, and was surprised by the gesture.

She led him to her office, opened the leaf door, and shut it behind them.

Starflight placed the bag of scrolls down on the floor of the room.

The two got settled in, relieved to be safe inside Jade Mountain Academy at last.

There was an awkward silence once they were done putting their stuff away. They had just confessed to each other, and they weren't really sure what to do.

"Should we get back to the library? I mean, I'm not sure how long we were down in the tunnel..." Fatespeaker asked hesitantly.

"We probably should... but not before this."

Starflight pulled Fatespeaker closer, and kissed her.

Fatespeaker was caught by surprise, and didn't know how to react.

"Wow..." she muttered.

"Sorry," Starflight apologized. "I didn't mean to shock you-"

"No, no, you didn't." Fatespeaker smiled.

Fatespeaker watched as Starflight walked out the door to the library, smiling all the way.

She looked around her office, and quickly realized that Starflight had forgotten his scrolls.

"Starflight- wait!"

Contrary to what Fatespeaker thought, their adventure wasn't over. Rather, it had just begun.

Authors Note: hi y'all- you probably saw the credits at the beginning. this chapter is short, i'm aware. a ton of credit goes to my bestie @NoYounglings , who helped me write the love stuff since i'm trash at it and i cringe at everything i write. sorry for the long wait, but the next chapter will come soon!

Fate of the Stars: A WoF AUWhere stories live. Discover now