Season 1, Chapter 1: Perspective

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The monster wandered out of the cave, surprised, all the other chaotikan humans had ran away, with no food, the monster begins to explore the wildness of the Capsule. The creature had stumbled upon a Bos Taurus, a mammal, the creature was curious and decided to observe the mammal, the mammal had thought it was a threat and immediately reflexed running away, the creature then immobilized the mammal extending its arm into a spike and stretching it out towards the mammal like a bullet, with extreme precision it had hit the mammals legs, the creature then silenced the mammal as it was irritating the creature with its screams, it did not need the pleasure of torture anymore. The creature then proceeded to cut open the mammal and consume it, surprising for the creature, its a good source for nutrition, the creature set a new target for nutritional needs. The creature consumed the Bos taurus whole and a sphere shot out once again, the creature required more to get the population to increase, the creature has set a life target; "Consume as many creatures as possible.".

A couple hours after the creature had consumed a whole habitat of the mammals, it had found some weird structure, it was a simple wood house, the creature didn't understand what it is and went to investigate of course, the creature then heard some humans speak, it had recognised the voices heard from back then, the creature got excited and went immediately inside, it had opened its void of a mouth and a spike shot out, impaling the parents and pulling them into its mouth and digesting them whole, resulting in more spheres, then the child was terrified for its life, screeching for help. Again, the creature had enough of the previous pleasure.

The creature had discovered more buildings and decided to become a little popular, terrifying people and making them hide, but the creatures intelligence knew where and digested them anyway. Its been a slaughter, people getting digested left and right and the creatures population started to go, then the people had enough, they decided to take part of this and evacuate everyone then decided to do research, they had found a small juvenile of the creature and took it, then put it in a cage then started observing, they used animals and different creatures to test its intelligence.

This is what the research crew had sketched out, the regular status of the creature seems to be observant and can imitate other creatures with a high intelligence, from the appearance they had observed: "The creature is dark with a hardening and softening fluid." it seems to also be glowing a dark light. they had tested with some more animals and the creature absorbed one whole and a sphere shot out, breaking the containment, the crew had immediately started aborting the lab, but one of the crew members hid and saw chaos, they brought a paper and sketched out their summary:

They sketched out a picture of what the creature looks like, another investigation of the creature, the creature had left and the crew member was safe, they carefully wandered out and traveled many miles to reach a civilization, the guards found a threat in the person but had been persuaded with the sketch, they had escorted the person to the labs and they had taken the sketch. Their research team studied the information and were confused, they asked the person:

"What is this drawing about? Where are you from?" the person said:

"I am from the villages far out, I seek help for as my research crew had been killed by this creature, you need to evacuate all citizens and do not attack!" the team was confused, they had asked: "Calm down, what are you talking about?"

the person said:

"There is a creature eradicating villages and it will find this place! It is extremely intelligent and will blend in with the citizens, you need to evacuate everyone!" The team replied: "Just calm down, it will not get to us." the person countered back: "Do not be fooled! Do not trust anyone who comes outside the barrier! Make this rule just!" The team had agreed to the person and trusted, they had locked the gates and everyone was considered safe.

A few days later, someone outside the barrier had appeared, the guards knew their rule and stood their ground, instead yelled at the random encounter:

"Who must you be to come to our great society!"

The person replied:

"I'm... An outsider... I'm very cold... Please help..."

The guard replied with:

"Tell us your identity! We have a rule not to trust anyone outside!"

The person said:

"I... I... I missed him..."

The guards were confused, curious, they came to the person and asked:

"Hey, what's wrong?"

The person said:

"I missed a single person..."

The person then transformed into the creature, the same one they had seen in the sketch, they tried attacking, but to no avail, the creature then opened it's mouth and attacked and consumed the guards, 3 spheres shot out, the guards screams were heard and the citizens were terrified, they started screaming too.

The person who made the sketch had warned everyone and they quickly evacuated, the creature was seen above the gate, the creature stared down at the person they forgot to kill and the person had stared down at the creature they hated. This started war.

[a few days back, before the incident]: The lab had given the creature a name: "Synthrox", and it's scientific name used for research: "Cryptohydrous Ungratefulis". The man who founded Synthrox's name is named Elias Donovan Chaotak, from the Chaotak clan. Elias worked with Isaac Porter who is in the Etrosphi clan, and planned out how to eliminate the Synthrox using information gained from Elias' first research before the first incident.

[The anatomy of a Synthrox is in other media.]

There is a core that resides inside the body of a Synthrox, that core holds billions and trillions of strings that make its form, it can reproduce by absorbing whole of a living creature and a sphere inside the core will get shot out of the body in a random direction. It's imitation works on it's intelligence and when it imitates a creature, the colour changes based on the appearance of the creature, then the Synthrox hardens it's strings and copies the creature by observing it's actions and interactions. Proof for it's high intelligence is that in the first research of the creature, it had not imitated a single given animal, but had imitated the humans instead, and prioritised observing the humans, then began it's escape when it absorbed a whole animal just to break out of containment. This was a threat not to be ignored. For it to move in liquid form or otherwise in its aggressive form, it generates millions and billions of tiny strings and uses them to rapidly move around with a speed ranging for 7-10 m/s depending on its strength and experience.

What Isaac planned was to force the synthrox to show it's core by exploding several cannons in a tight area underground, then use a strong warrior to tackle down the core and eradicate the synthrox, the warrior's name is Mason Barret, from the Geichi clan, he is a warrior with exceptional spear swinging and throwing skills, he will be able to tackle down the synthox's core very precisely. Mason has been practicing for this very moment.

Elias had announced the attack plan to the citizens and they had all cheered for the upcoming victory, the king of the civilisation had agreed to support handling all the equipment and weapons required. Elias was happy, However, Elias had known the creature would attack in the near future, so he had quickly planned the attack, they moved the underground lab to the kings castle and used the underground as the arena, they had set the cannons near the entrance and Mason equipped with exquisitely made gear and spear, everyone was ready.

[After the incident]: The Synthrox had went down and chased Elias, Elias was under a pressure plate and he had went underground, the Synthrox broke the trap door then went down, and saw that the room under there was completely pitch black, the Synthrox only saw Elias, not knowing, the Synthrox had rushed towards Elias, who was a fair distance away, the lights show, and the Synthrox becomes petrified seeing about 8 cannons pointing towards him, with no time to react, the Synthrox's body was shattered and there it was, the core was showing, then Mason came rushing in and pierced through the core, the core then faded and all the strings faded too, they had done it, the mission was finally successful, they had eradicated a synthrox, all they need to do was finally prepare for more and advance their weapons, then there is no need to worry anymore. The Synthrox finally have a weakness against humanity.


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