Season 2, Chapter 8: Reunion

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The Three

A day after Atlas and Orion destroyed the castle, Sullivan, Nolan and Lawson were in the caves, searching for them.

Nolan: If I find that dude again I'm gonna slam him..

Sullivan: Who? Atlas?

Nolan: No, the other dude.

Sullivan: Great, I'm going for Atlas, because I am not going to let that fight go, Nolan, you go after the tough dude, Lawson, you're coming with Nolan to defeat him.

Nolan: Check.

Lawson gave Sullivan a thumbs up.

The three were now diving into the caves, searching holes, cracks and basically every corner they could find, it was tiring, but they wanted to defeat those two from the bottom of their hearts.

They saw a guard crawling, injured.

Sullivan: What in the Kings above happened here?

Injured Guard: There are.. People.. Infiltrating.. Lucian's Castle..

Sullivan and the three knew it was them.

Sullivan: Tell us where the castle is!

Injured guard: Just.. Keep going to that direction.. No turns required..

Sullivan thanked the guard and the three now started sprinting towards the castle, but then, after they had ran, something came to their way.

through a hole on the direction, something goops out, a growl can be heard from it, after it had fully gotten out of the hole, it started to reshape itself, as a humanoid being.. A synthrox has appeared.

The three stopped their tracks.

Sullivan: Just ignore the guy, come on.

They then tried running past the synthrox, but then, the synthrox extended it's arm and slammed Sullivan right in the chest, blasting him towards the wall, injuring him while pieces if stone fall.

The three then got on guard, ready to fight.

Nolan: Well, seems like this guy is in our way.

The synthrox then surprisingly tried to speak, which is a first to them.

Synthrox: Hheeee-Heeellllll-..-loooo

The synthrox was struggling, but then.

Synthrox: dD---DIE.-eE-EIEE..

The synthrox then started dashing Nolan, while laughing like a maniac and thrusted it's extended arm at Nolan, Nolan swiftly dodged and countered the attack with a punch, the synthrox's skin was pretty tough, then the synthrox blasted Nolan away.

Sullivan came in and jabbed the Synthrox, did a little damage, but then again, the synthrox blasted Sullivan away.

Sullivan: We're gonna need to be able to-

Synthrox: Shhu.SH-HU--tutttttt-..UUPppPUP-,UPUPP!

the synthrox then screeched loudly, stunning the three, the synthrox then went to Sullivan and enraged at him, hitting him with a sequence of multiple attacks, extending and creating multiple arms to use them as a whip, Sullivan was having a hard time.

Nolan interrupted the attack with a jab and slit through the skin, barely revealing the core, the synthrox then lunged at Nolan, Lawson then lunged back at the synthrox and slit through the ski again, showing the core, Nolan went for the kill but the synthrox then swiftly dodged out of the hit, the synthrox blasted both Lawson and Nolan away.

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