Ch 1 - Midnight Whispers of Gathering Shadows

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I glanced at the clock on my laptop screen and blinked in surprise

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I glanced at the clock on my laptop screen and blinked in surprise. It was already midnight, yet I contemplated the ultimate midnight snack dilemma. Who can resist the siren call of those delicate, delicious little pancakes, especially when slathered in vanilla icing? Crepes at night, my friends, are the stuff of culinary dreams.

I'm wearing a simple white kurta because I'm all about that Bengali culture life. Plus, it's super comfy, and comfort is critical when you're knee-deep in work, am I right? I'm finally wrapping up a research paper. Yeah, I know, thrilling stuff... But, hey a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

It was time to descend to the kitchen and satisfy those cravings, no matter how much it made me feel like a child at a candy store. So, down the stairs, I walked past the grand chandelier because every home needs a touch of extravagance, right? and into the heart of the house.

But just as I was about to take that final step into the kitchen, I caught wind of some hushed chitchat floating from the living room. What were they up to this time? Now, I'm not usually one for eavesdropping, but when your family's grinning like they've plotting world domination, curiosity gets the better of you.

As I tiptoed closer, trying to be inconspicuous -spoiler alert: it didn't work, my mom's nervous laughter filled the air. And then, out of nowhere, one of my cousins drops the bomb: "We...we were getting a scam!" Then, there was the flying plate, the chocolate cake plastering his face like a homemade facial gone wrong. At the same time, everyone else facepalmed like it was their job—poor cousin.

Amidst the chaos, I couldn't help but chuckle. Seriously, only my family could turn a potential crisis into a comedy of errors. But as my mom finally regained her composure (well, sort of), she hit me with the bombshell.

"So, uh, honey, you remember how you said you weren't ready to tie the knot just yet because of work and stuff?" She starts laughing like she's been possessed by some manic clown. Sweat's beginning to form on her forehead, and I'm just sitting there, eyeing her like, "What in the world is going on here?"

But before I could even think about calling an exorcist, she switches gears like she's driving a racecar, and she's all like, "We have a gathering we have to go to on Sunday. You're free that day. It's your father and my friend's celebration of their son returning from a long business trip overseas. It has been three years, and they personally invited us to go. You down for that, honey?"I'm just staring at her, blinking like a confused owl. "Uh, okay?" I manage to squeak out. "There's going to be good food there, right, Mom?"

She's sweating buckets now but nods like her life depends on it. "Yes! Yes! Loads of them!" I let out a little cheer, relieved there'll be something to look forward to. "Great! I'm going to the kitchen now," I announce, running for the entrance. As I left, I swear I heard a chorus of "Thank goodness she didn't hear..." echoing behind me. I've learned not to question the riddle of my family.

So there I am, whipping up some crepes in the kitchen because I'm always craving them. As I poured the batter onto the pan, my mind started wandering to the gathering. What kind of food are they gonna have? Will there be enough to satisfy my bottomless pit of a stomach? These are the critical questions, people.

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