Ch 7 - Hide and Sneak

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I found myself in a situation that I never imagined I'd be in

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I found myself in a situation that I never imagined I'd be in. Today's the day we're supposed to visit Grandma Khan, at least that's what my mom said, and I got dragged along with the whole crew. So here I am, sitting in their living room surrounded by a bunch of strangers, getting stared at like I'm the main exhibit at a zoo. Seriously, they've been throwing questions at me like I'm a contestant on some game show. And let me tell you, I am not here for it.

We barely stepped through the door... My mom and this auntie were reuniting after years of separation. I half-expected them to break into a choreographed dance number right then and there. And then, before I could even process what was happening, Auntie was lunging at me like we were starring in our Bollywood drama.

I'm seriously rethinking my life choices right about now. The amount of stares I'm getting could rival a Hollywood red carpet event. And let me tell you, I did not sign up for this level of attention. All I wanted was to say hi to Grandma Khan, maybe have a quick chat, and make a swift exit. But nope, here I am, stuck in the middle of what feels like a family reunion I didn't even know I was invited to.

Don't get me wrong, the family seems nice enough, but I'd much rather be chilling in my cozy bedroom, surrounded by mountains of sweets, and catching up on the latest K-drama series. Plus, let's be real, K-dramas are the perfection of entertainment. Anyone who disagrees clearly hasn't experienced the joy of shedding tears over every heart-wrenching episode of Queen of Tears.

As I sat there, munching on a particularly delicious piece of jeera cookie, I couldn't help but marvel at the sheer genius of whoever invented such a heavenly treat. If there were Nobel Prizes for desserts, this would've bagged a dozen already!

Then suddenly, I heard footsteps coming from the stairs, and instinctively, I stood up to see who it was. It's the grandma herself! Wait a minute—she's the same Mrs. Khan patient I had just two days ago! What are the odds? I thought, feeling like I'd stumbled into some sweet coincidence.

So, I waddled up to her as I greeted her, trying to keep my balance after nearly tripping over the edge of the carpet. She looked at me with this knowing twinkle as if she'd been expecting me all along. Strange, right? I barely remember what I had for breakfast yesterday, let alone all the patients I've treated.

"So sorry for not recognizing you at the hospital. I didn't realize we'd met before, ma'am," I said, slightly embarrassed.

The sweet grandma smiled warmly, "Oh, don't worry about it, sweetie. Call me 'dadi' like I'm your grandma."

I grinned back at her and took her hand, helping her navigate to the living room where the rest of the gang was chilling. She beamed at me proudly, and I couldn't help but feel a warm fuzzy feeling inside. "Oh, sweetie, you didn't have to do that," she said, her eyes twinkling affectionately.

"No worries, dadi," I replied, feeling warm and fuzzy inside. "Oh, and I'm really still sorry for not recognizing you in the hospital when you were a patient of mine."

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