Ch 12 - Under The Stars

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Standing outside the cafe, I couldn't help but feel like I was trapped in some absurd comedy

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Standing outside the cafe, I couldn't help but feel like I was trapped in some absurd comedy. How did a peaceful day dedicated to getting some work away from my mother's nagging turn into this?

Rafiq had insisted on tagging along for no reason other than to hang out. I repeatedly told him no, but he evaded into my car. His constant chitchat was the opposite of the peace I wanted. When I saw an opportunity, I kicked him out of the car and sped away, thinking I'd finally get some quiet.

Then, fate decided to slap me in the face. My car got rear-ended by a lunatic. That lunatic turned out to be her. She stormed out of her car, eyes blazing, ready to wage war over a minor fender bender. Just as I was about to tell her off, some random guy had the nerve to honk and call her "baby girl." That was my tipping point. Without a second thought, I put into my car and drove to the cafe she and her friend were headed to.

Now, I'm outside, wondering how my day could get worse. The sun glares down on me, making me want to disappear. I let out a heavy sigh and ran my hand through my hair. Why do I always end up in these ridiculous situations?

The cafe door swings open, and I see her and her friend inside, laughing and chatting without a care in the world. I glance at my watch, considering just leaving and pretending none of this ever happened. But I know that would only make things worse. She would undoubtedly cause a scene; the last thing I need is more drama.

With a resigned sigh, I push open the door and step inside. The place is packed, filled with people enjoying their meals and conversations. The smell of fresh coffee and pastries fills the air, but I can only think about how out of place I feel.

I spot wildflower and her friend in a corner booth. She sees me and waves me over, a mischievous smile on her lips. Reluctantly, I make my way through the crowd, ignoring the curious stares from the other customers.

"Well, look who decided to grace us with his presence," She says, her tone dripping with sarcasm.

"Yeah," I muttered, sliding into the booth opposite her and her friend. "This isn't exactly my idea of a good time."

Her friend giggles, clearly enjoying my discomfort. "You're just in time," she says, passing me a menu. "We were just about to order. What'll it be?"

"Nothing," I say finally, not really in the mood for food.

She raises an eyebrow. "Come on, live a little," she teases, nudging me with her elbow.

"I'm not hungry," I reply curtly, hoping she'll drop the subject.

"Suit yourself," she says with a shrug, returning to the menu. "More for us, I guess."

I sigh inwardly, feeling a pang of guilt for ruining their lunch plans. But then again, it's not like I asked to be here. As we wait for our food, the conversation flows awkwardly between us. Despite my initial reservations, I ignored their lively banter.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17 ⏰

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