chapter one

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(Gideon's pov)

"Gideon, that's not funny." My smile faltered as I looked to see who ruined the mood. A blonde Hufflepuff sat in my lap, her pink lips turned down, frowning. Fabian had transfigured a 3rd years hat into a rat, and she was currently shrieking, jumping around as it chewed slowly on her hair, unbothered from her poor attempts of pulling it off. I looked back down to look at the Hufflepuff. 

She had brown eyes, with short blonde hair. What was she doing in my lap? And more importantly, why didn't she have a sense of humour? "Who are you?" I asked, furrowing my brows.

She seemed to be surprised because her frown disappeared as her lips parted. Disbelief, then replaced by embarrassment and anger flashed in her eyes. "You don't need to know, since this'll be the last time you'll be seeing me." She flicked her hair in my face, and stormed back to Hufflepuff's table. She kept her head up, confidently; but with a slightly injured air. 

"That, was hot." Sirius's eyebrows were raised as he watched her strut back to her house.

 I snorted, "Wonder why she was so pissed, I was only trying to get to know her."

 Fabian patted me on my back, grinning, "Maybe because you had already asked her 4 times since we came into the Great Hall?" I matched his grin, "Ah yes, that must be it!" 

James laughed heartily, gaining glares from Molly's group, or as James put it, Lilyflower and co. They all gave death stares except from Molly, who was shaking her head disappointedly at me. 

I gave a sheepish smile, I knew she didn't like me playing with girls, and I promised to change, which I had. I wanted to know the blondie, but it wasn't my fault she was so forgettable. 

Suddenly, the hum of conversations hushed, Dumbledore had gotten up; meaning he was going to present his annual welcome back speech.

"Greetings, students old and new. We are back, for another year here at Hogwarts. First years, in time you will settle, but before we dig in; I'd like to announce that there is a new addition to the 4th years, Elodie LaRue." 

Suddenly, there were whispers, talking about the LaRue girl. I turned to our group, comprising of Fabian, then James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter, who referred to themselves as the Marauders. "A new girl? That's new, there hasn't been one before, has there?" 

Sirius squinted his eyes and looked up, he was thinking. " I think my Uncle Alphard once mentioned one in his year, she was a Ravenclaw."

 "What do you think she's going to be like?" Peter inquired looking at Fabian and I. Smirking, I replied, "Hopefully hot." Again, Molly glared from two seats away, I was silently grateful Marlene was separating us; because I knew Molly's slaps hurt. Rolling her eyes, she'd opened her mouth to speak again but before she could reprimand me, the huge doors of the Great Hall bellowed as they pushed themselves open. 

For a moment, there was silence as the entirety of the Great Hall held their breaths in anticipation. Then the show begun.

Fireworks erupted, seemingly out of nowhere, and a small figure shot through the entrance. She was flying, and damn she was good. She was elegant, despite the speed she was going at. She plunged down, next to Professor McGonagall, or as we preferred to call her, Minnie. Effortlessly, she climbed of her broom and stood confidently, her long, brown hair messily cascading down her back. Now that she was still, everyone took her in. She was beautiful, and everyone knew it. 

Once more, conversations started. They'd seemingly forgot the impressive stunt she'd just pulled, instead talking about her looks.

 Sirius's lips parted, "Bloody Hell, she's hot."

 I felt Fabian's eyes on me, reluctantly tearing my eyes away from LaRue. Wordlessly we agreed, all still speechless. She really was beautiful, anyone with eyes could figure that out. 

She had curious, blue eyes which widened as she gazed at her surroundings. She had full, pink lips, which were curved into a smile. She had fair skin, but her cheeks were flushed. Her face was framed by her hair, which tumbled down her back, just above her butt. She looked like a porcelain doll. 

She took a seat on the rickety stool, as Minnie slipped the Sorting Hat over her pretty eyes. A hush fell over everyone watching, everyone secretly hoping she'd go to their own respective houses. 

It seemed that she was annoyed, her pouty lips pulled into a frown as she said something to the Hat. Soon after, the frown was replaced with a victorious smile as the Hat seemed to make its decision. 


We all cheered, as the other houses watched her walk towards us, enviously. Now that she was closer, I could see her in detail. She was even more beautiful up close. Everyone on our table was waving at her, inviting her to join them and their friends, but she gravitated towards Molly and her friends; Lily, Marlene, Mary, Alice and Dorcas. They welcomed her with a smile, as she slotted between Marlene and I. Fabian and the Marauders stared at me, smirking. Wide-eyed I stared back, not knowing what to do with LaRue sitting by me. Usually, if a girl was near I'd charm them with my smile, and they'd swoon immediately. I decided to do the same to LaRue, but when the chance to speak to her came, I found myself unable to talk. She'd introduced herself to Molly's friends, and was having a passionate conversation to Marlene about Quidditch. I cleared my throat - she turned, looking at me expectedly. I opened my mouth to introduce myself, like I've done many times before. But when her clear, doe eyes met mine, it was like the scripted introduction was forgotten. I was close to her, and close enough to see the sparkle her baby blue eyes held. 

I snapped out of it. She was just a girl, nothing different to the others I've spoken to before. My ears went red at the thought of a girl making me nervous, that was frankly impossible - I'm literally THE Gideon Prewett. And she was just a random girl.

Pushing my thoughts aside, I smirked, "I'm Gideon, Gideon Prewett. More commonly known as the better looking twin." I winked at her, as Fabian rolled his eyes and told her his name. 

She nodded, "Nice to meet you, I'm Elodie." Her voice was like a melody - Elodie's voice is a melody, that rhymes! I laughed at my thoughts, but her smile faltered. Shit, she thought I laughed at her. 

"Oh! Wait - no I wasn't laughing at you, actually - no, wait I was laughing at myself really, well - no I was laughing at you, but not because of what you said - er, wait, no that sounded wrong, uh, I - uh, I just thought something and I-". 

I was saved by Remus, who smiled at her confused face. "Don't mind him, he's in his own world most of the time." 

Remus gave her his kind smile, and introduced himself. The other Marauders followed suit and she  gave them a grin. "It's really nice to meet you all!" Her eyes glanced at us all, and maybe it was just my imagination, but she her gaze lingered on me for a split second longer, our eyes locking for the second time. 

I put it down to my imagination, because Remus was right - I'm mostly always in my own world.

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