chapter two

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(Elodie's pov)

I frowned at the blonde girl sitting by me - Marlene. "The Holyhead Harpies have nothing on Chudley Cannons." Marlene threw her hands up in annoyance, about to disagree when James interrupted our conversation. "You support Chudley Cannons?" His eyes shone at the sound of the team, and I mirrored his excited smile, "Obviously!" Rolling her eyes, Marlene claimed, "Glynnis Griffiths can beat Galvin Gudgeon any day, and that's that." 

Our jaws dropped, and we stared at her in shock. All of us, except from Lily, Remus, Mary, Alice and Dorcas - who didn't play Quidditch, were stunned at the bold statement by her. Even Peter, the small blond boy sat by James was silent, and he was a die hard Montrose Magpies fan. 

The ginger sitting besides me finally broke the silence, saying how she probably was hit in the head by a bludger when she was a baby. Everyone dissolved into laughter, and I took a moment to look at everyone.

 Opposite me, sat four boys. On the end was Remus, James, Sirius, then Peter. Remus was lanky, with mousy-brown hair and tired but warm chocolate-brown eyes. Next was James. He was tall, but Remus was taller, though James was much more built. He had hazel eyes, with messy, black hair, and from the little time which I'd known him, he was very passionate about Quidditch, and had made Gryffindor's Quidditch captain for the second time, the badge proudly pinned on the left side of his robe. And, that he was madly in love with Lily Evans. Already during the meal he's invited her to Hogsmeade, wherever that is, twice - but was rejected as she rolled her eyes and ignored him.

Then there was Sirius. He had fairly long, black hair, and dark brown eyes. He seemed to have a permanent grin on his face, and had a loud laugh, which echoed through the Hall. He didn't seem to care about the students who glared at him, nor the girls who gazed at him longingly. He claimed he's left his old, 'playboy' life in the past - and now only had eyes for one girl. A lucky girl I thought. 

Finally there was Peter. He was a small boy, with ruddy cheeks and watery blue eyes. He had a mop of blonde hair, with some strands hung over his eyes. He was cute, and spoke gently, but mainly listened to what his friends were saying - inputting here and there. 

Next to me, was Gideon on my left  and Marlene on my right. Gideon was sat by his twin, Fabian. They were identical, with matching blue eyes, shining with mischief, and cheeky grins. They both had fiery red hair, and they were very tall, but also built. They were both on the Quidditch team, as beaters. I learnt they both have had countless girlfriends, and I inwardly frowned when I found out - they were the type of people who my father would've warned against. 

Marlene was a stubborn blonde, with brown eyes lined with black liner. She was hot, but was blind to all the looks she'd get from the boys near our table. Next to her was Molly, a friendly red head who was also the twins sister. She wore a motherly smile, and had kind eyes. There was then Mary and Dorcas, who were inseparable. Apparently they'd met through their parents before going to Hogwarts, so they were practically sisters. Mary had straight brown hair, reaching her shoulders while Dorcas's was wavy, and was accompanied with a fringe. 

Finally there was Alice, who was currently talking to her boyfriend Frank Longbottom. She was pretty with light hair and blue eyes. 

They all seemed like good people, but I couldn't help but miss Beauxbatons. I missed their grand  dining rooms, and the light blue colour scheme. The atmosphere and the people I met. I sighed. 

I missed father. I missed his comforting embrace, and his gentle voice. I missed the nights we'd play quidditch back in France. Ever since he passed, everything changed. Mother and I moved back to England, where my mother grew up. So I not only had to get used to my father being gone, but all my friends and the people I grew up with. I don't blame mother, she wants to live with her mother and father now that my father's gone - and that's okay. I don't blame anyone really; death catches up to everyone eventually.

For now, all I could do is get used to Hogwarts and make friends, which thankfully I've done quite well so far. During the meal, I talked to Marlene, Sirius and James the most, but I share dorms with Lily, Molly and Mary - so I have another opportunity to get to know them a little bit better.

Students slowly filtered out of the hall until it was only us and a few ravenclaws left. Gideon, one of the twins who sat by me, stood up, saying he's going to bed, Fabian standing up too, nodded whilst letting out a yawn. I smiled at them, turning back to the others but they were still looking at the twins, eyes narrowed in suspicion. I frowned, what's so suspicious about them sleeping?

"Because knowing them, they're probably on their way to share prank ideas with Peeves." Lily rolled her eyes, pushing her empty plate to the centre of the table.

My eyes widened. I wasn't supposed to say that out loud. Shit. This wasn't the first time it'd happened, once at Beauxbatons I'd accidentally said some... rude things to a professor by mistake. I shuddered at the memory of the countless nights I'd spend cleaning potions off the cauldrons during the detention I got for it.

But still, I missed Beau. And I missed father. 

I pushed the memories behind, if I think of what I once had, it'll only make me miss it more. And it's not like I'm going to be leaving Hogwarts anytime soon, so it's best to make the most of it. "Er, who's Peeves?" They raised their eyebrows, as if they'd forgotten that this was my first day here. 

"A duffer, he's a poltergiest; always pulling pranks and causing mischief where ever he goes. I'm surprised you haven't seen his antics already, he's always throwing water buckets before the first years arrive." All the girls bitterly nodded while Lily scowled at James who looked quite taken aback at what she said. 

"A bloody legend more like it! When I die, I'm going to be just like him." James smirked, and the other boys agreed. They called themselves the 'marauders' - meaning rascal's. I wouldn't be too surprised if James did follow in Peeves's footsteps.  

"You prank people?" They all grinned, and Sirius was about to reply when Lily interrupted him - "Do they prank people? That's all they do here. They're always planning with the twins and Peeves." She didn't seem to impressed, so I decided not to share that I also used to pull tricks all the time back at Beauxbatons. 

A pang of sadness hit me again. I'd never be back there, skipping class with Esme, scheming pranks up in our dorm instead. 

It was the four of us. Esme, Sophia, Rosalie and I. Always has been. It'd been us four together since we first met in the carriages, when we were little first years. Except Esme, our families had been intertwined for decades, the LaRues and the Forêts were known by many for the history of loyalty they had for one another. Esme was like my sister. Whenever she was upset, I was - and vice versa. When father died, she cried alongside me as if it was her father who had passed. You'd never find one of us without the other, our names were always said together, and the thought of the teachers back there saying just Esme's name, was something I've still not gotten over. I've left her, like father left me. 

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