chapter six

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(Gideon's pov)

One thing about me, is that if I'm determined to do something, I'll do it. Whether it takes hours or years - it'd eventually be done.

And that's why during breakfast, I payed extra attention to the new girl's mannerisms. She was seated across from me, talking to Lily about some book she'd read. I was by Fabian and Pete, while James was by Lily - Sirius beside him. Remus had went early to DADA, to ask about this year's curriculum.

The three marauders, and Fabian and I were supposed to be planning pranks, but James instead was trying to catch Lily's attention by wearing light-up glasses.

I don't know where he got them from, or why he thought it'd be a good idea; but that was the way James was. You'd never know what he had planned, but you could always trust that he'd never disappoint when it comes to making people laugh. Sirius snorted, and Pete laughed through a mouthful of pumpkin juice.

Meanwhile, I observed LaRue closely. I'd noticed that whenever she laughed, her entire face would light up further, and her eyes would sparkle, they seemed to turn slightly lighter - but it was most likely the lighting. I rested my jaw in my hand, keeping my eyes on her. Her laugh was soft and pleasant to listen to - a nice change to Fabian's bellows.

She didn't seem to notice any of the guys looking at her too, only paying attention to Lily but cracked a smile when she saw James. I could tell why all the guys were staring at her, even I was staring. I felt a kick in my stomach - and no, I'm not pregnant - I've just never stared at a girl before. Well, I'd looked at a fair few in my time here at Hogwarts, but in all my years attending this school I've never stared.

Gideon Prewett doesn't chase, he attracts. And that's a fact.


"So, what do you think of the new girl?"

Conan, our friend and one of last years Gryffindors chasers' joined Fabian and I on our way to Quidditch try-outs, asked.

Smirking Fabian replied, "I'm sure Gideon will have a lot to tell you."

I cocked a brow, "Meaning?"

We set down our brooms and I turned to face the two.

Fabian's lesser attractive face was pulled into a smirk and has a teasing glint in his eye. "Meaning, after all that time goggling at her you must have lots of things to say about her."

My more attractive face burned and I responded as coolly as I could, "I wasn't goggling, merely observing."

Conan's face split into a grin, "Observing? It seems to me that Prewett No 2. has a small crush!"

"Crush? She's pretty yeah, everyone can agree with that, but she's nothing special. And plus she's either plain stupid or a hooker - she can't tell when a guy's hitting on her! Plus I don't do crushes - and even if I did it wouldn't be a kid like LaRue - I'd go to Azkaban for pedophilia."

That was a lie. She was probably the prettiest girl inside out in the whole of Hogwarts - but as if I'd ever admit that. Although it's partially true - Gideon Prewett doesn't do crushes or relationships, I have way more things to do than spend time with some girl.

I rolled my eyes trying to make it seem that I meant what I said - expecting another comment from the two - but instead they were just looking behind me, more specifically at someone who was behind me. My brows furrowed, they didn't look awfully pleased at the sight of the person; Fabian's fair cheek were paler than before and Conan's smile was long gone.

Conan's Adam's Apple bobbed as he made eye contact with me, his eyes pitiful? Fabian shook his head with his lips pursed.

What? The Hell did I do? I didn't say anything remotely bad - and even so it wasn't like LaRue was anywhere near to hear it...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25 ⏰

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