chapter four

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(Elodie's pov)

"So the beauty of Hogwarts... is a painting?," I frowned at the large painting of a fruit bowl in front of me, "I'd say I'm surprised but that'd be a li"

Mary wiggled her eyebrows with a cheeky smile - saying nothing, while the rest laughed at my remark. She signalled to quiet down and began to... tickle the fucking pear?

"Alright dude... what the flip. Ok - Mary can you please explain why the hell you're tickling the pear? Is this a dream? Am I dreaming? Someone pinch me. Ow! Marlene I didn't mean it!" 

Rubbing my now sore arm I began to continue my rant of how they disturbed my precious sleep to show me a painting when I got distracted by the creaks of a door, except it wasn't a door, it was in fact the giant painting which turned out to be a secret door.

"Bloody Hell."

My lips parted as Lily pushed the painting and revealed the most beautiful sight my eyes had ever been blessed with. It was a huge kitchen brimming with all sorts of foods. Along the back of the room were wooden cupboards, with a slightly-open door in the middle of them. Everything was either oak, or painted light yellow and white. It was beautiful, intricate floral designs were carved into the counters.

Along the sides of the room were ovens and dishwashers, snug underneath the oak counters. They were all glossed white, and in pristine condition despite the clumsily piled loaves of bread and pastries on top of it. Above the counters were wooden shelves, with jars of snacks, sweet and savoury.

And then, smack-bang in the middle was a large, round table. Around it were lots of short stools with white and yellow padding, and underneath were bottles and pints of drinks ranging from pumpkin juice to fire whiskey, but that's not what caught my eye. The table seemed to be hollowed out on the surface, and had so many sweets behind a glass lid. I could already spy the chocolate frogs and fudge flies, and my mouth couldn't help but water at the sight.

"I take every bad thing I've said about Hogwarts, this is by far the most beautiful thing ever. Thank you so much!"

 After expressing my gratitude, I ran to the table and lifted the lid. A waft of sugar and chocolate overcame me and I felt like crying. 

Anyone who knew me, knew food was the key to my heart. Scooping as many of the fudge flies into my mouth at once, I ignored the loud laughs of the others as they watched my cheeks puff up from the sweets. 

Alice went to one of the cupboards, and it opened to display an array of ice cream, while Marlene stooped beside me to grab some alcohol. The others dispersed, picking their favourite foods to stuff themselves with.

I ate sweet after sweet, chocolate after chocolate, and was solely focused on the gooey caramel melting in my mouth when a small hand rapped the back of my knee. I jolted back, and looked down - to see a small house elf dressed in a pink dress.

"Hello Miss, are you enjoying the food?" The elf's big, orb-like eyes twinkled a bright green, and they beamed warmly. I matched its smile as I replied. 

"Enjoying it? I'm loving it! It's delicious, thank you ...?" I looked down at her expectantly, and if it were possible, their smile grew even wider.

"Iffle, Miss, I'm Iffle! Not many people ask for my name, thank you Miss!"

My eyes shone, I'd just made a new friend! "It's very nice to meet you Iffle, I'm Elodie!"

"It's very nice to meet you Miss Elodie, make sure to come again!" Before I could reply, she disappeared within the crowd of house elves which I'd not noticed before.

I'd also not noticed the pastel yellow door at the back was now fully open, and standing in the doorway were two grinning redheads.  

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