~chapter 3~

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(Trigger warning: SA,blood)
(After this first few chapters I'll probably stop putting on warnings,so just buckled up honey)



The agony is relentless, each wave of pain dragging me into darkness, only to resurface briefly before the next onslaught. The searing heat, like a branding iron, invades my body over and over again. I lose track of time, slipping in and out of consciousness, each moment of waking met with the unbearable torment that forces me to black out once more.

When I finally come to, I'm no longer on the bed. My body hits the cold, hard floor with a sickening thud. The chains on my ankles have been removed, leaving my legs free, but the rest of me feels like a broken doll. My vision is blurred, the room spinning as I try to focus. His silhouette looms above me, dark and menacing, a hazy figure in the dim light.

He crouches down, his face close to mine, studying me with a twisted sort of satisfaction. His fingers brush my cheek, the touch searing my skin as though his very presence burns. A sadistic smirk curls on his lips before he retracts his hand and stands up. I watch, helpless, as he pulls on his discarded pants, his movements slow and deliberate. Leaning down once more, he speaks, his voice a deep monotone that sends shivers down my spine.

"Don't leave this room," he orders, uncuffing my wrists before walking out, leaving me sprawled on the floor like discarded trash.

Time drags on, each second stretching into an eternity. I try to sit up, but my body refuses to cooperate. With no other option, I begin to drag myself toward the bathroom. The journey is torturous, every movement sending jolts of pain through my battered body. Doubts creep into my mind—why did he do this? Is this his twisted form of torture before he finally ends me?

I finally reach the bathroom, collapsing under the shower. The hot water scalds my skin, but I don't care. I sit there, letting the heat wash over me, numbing the pain. It takes nearly an hour before I can muster the strength to stand, leaning heavily against the wall. The tears come then, unstoppable and raw, as I trace the bruises on my body, feeling the tenderness, the shame. I wash myself slowly, trying to cleanse the filth and the memories away.

When the water turns cold, I turn it off and look around the empty bathroom. There's nothing here to cover myself with, so I have no choice but to step back into the bedroom. I move cautiously, my gaze darting around the room until it lands on him—he's  here, sitting on the bed, watching me with those cold, unfeeling eyes.

Instinctively, I start to close the bathroom door, but his raised brow stops me in my tracks. My hand trembles as I open the door wider, revealing my vulnerability to him. Fear coils in my stomach as I stand there, exposed.

"Come here," he commands, his voice calm but carrying an undertone of menace. My heart pounds in my chest as I take tentative steps toward him, each one more difficult than the last. Before I can fully reach him, he grabs my arm, yanking me onto his lap. I bite down on my lip to stifle the scream of pain that threatens to escape.

His fingers brush the wet hair from my face, tucking it behind my ear. He gently pries my lip free from my teeth, forcing me to meet his gaze.

"Your name?" he asks, his voice deceptively soft.

"Court... Courtney," I stammer, my voice barely above a whisper.

He hums in acknowledgment, his hand still in my hair. "Go back to your seat and return here in three hours," he orders, his tone leaving no room for argument. I nod, dread pooling in my stomach. He's going to hurt me again—I know it.

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