Chapter Four

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All right reserved, no copying, stealing the plot, or any variations.

I looked across the cafeteria getting tired of Jake not liking me. I could give him anything he wants but he just flirts then leaves me hanging there wanting more. 

  I walked up to him and smiled. "Hey Jake."
  "So er... do you wanna hang out alone later?"
  "I'm busy later."
  "Doing what? We're stuck in school."

  I laughed adding some humor to the situation. "So? I'm busy."
  "Well tomorrow then?"
  He ignored me and turned to his friends letting me see his back.
  "Jake? Hello?"
  "Fuck off."

  He turned around and pushed me back into the wall. I felt pain shoot through my head as he turned back around. I sunk down until I was sitting on the floor feeling like an idiot.
  "Alia? Are you okay?"

  I looked up with tears in my eyes and met Harry's green orbs. I shook my head 'no' making him frown and sit down next to me. He reached over and pulled me into his lap allowing me to rest my head in the crook of his neck while he rubbed circles on my back.

  "It's okay. He's an idiot."
  I smiled and sniffled slightly  I nuzzled my face further into his neck and heard his chuckle vibrate through his skin. I caught Faye's eyes and saw her shooting me daggers. I still felt bad for her.
  I sniffled once more then pulled away and saw Harry looking down at me. It made me feel self conscious. Again. "What?"

  His cheeks flushed and he looked down mumbling,
  "You're really beautiful."
  I felt my heart thud harder in my chest as I smiled in thanks. I stood up and saw Jake flirting with Kelly which only made my heart sink. I walked out feeling tears prick my eyes. I can't believe I actually like someone who is so rude and such a player.  I want someone who loves me for me not me for 'Alia the hot cheerleader'. I can't get anyone who I am comfortable being the real me around, I always have to act and I'm sick of it. 

  I turned around and looked at Harry. Great.
  "Hey," I muttered, leaning against a locker.
  "Are you alright? Does your head hurt?"
  Stop being so caring for Gods sake!
  "I'm fine, thanks."

  He frowned and stood in front of me. He's too confident to be a nerd. Or maybe it's just now. "You aren't fine. Is it Jake?"
  I looked to his eyes then looked down, not liking how they pulled me in and made my body heat up.

  "I'm fine Harry, just drop it."
  "No I won't. You're upset."
  "I'm fine!"

  He stared at me for a moment until I looked up and met his gaze. His eyes had dark green on the outside and this really light, grassy green on the inside. It was pure beauty. We didn't say anything for a while and suddenly he put his hand resting on the locker behind me.
  What is happening? He's a bloody nerd! What's he doing?!

  Slowly Harry's face got closer to mine until I felt our noses touch lightly. His breath was hitting my face and I had the sudden urge to press my lips to his, to finally know what it felt like.

  At first his lips were just brushing mine, just the temptation, and then suddenly he pressed his lips to mine properly making my stomach flip. It wasn't like they say it is in books and I didn't see fireworks but it was the most amazing kiss I've ever had.  It was different, it made chills go through my body and I felt hot all of a sudden. His free hand fell to my waist and he pulled me up against him. I let my hands get tangled in his messy curls as he bit down on my bottom lip softly.

  I pulled away quickly and saw him looking confused. Realization hit and he quickly stepped back. "Sorry, I er... I'm sorry..."
  I nodded and paced slightly. "Why are you pacing?"
  "I like Jake and I just kissed you."

  My eyes widened when I realized what I just told him. "I mean... n-not like you know.. I er.."
  "You fancy him."
  "Yet he doesn't take any notice of you and hurts you and you still fancy him? How?"
  "I just do."

  "That's stupid, how can you like someone that treats you like shit?"
  Our voices were getting louder and I frowned at him. "He isn't always like that you know!"
  "I would never be like that!"
  He looked at me and stumbled over words,
  "I mean I.. y-you know.."
  "I really don't but whatever."

  "Do you want to know if he fancies you back?"
  "Yea I guess why do you care?"
  He rolled his eyes and grabbed my wrist pulling me towards the cafeteria. "What are we doing?"
  "I'm helping you."
  "Harry n-"
  My eyed widened as Jake looked at us along with everyone else. "This beautiful girl would like to know if you, Jake, fancy her as much as she fancies you."

  I felt sick to my stomach as Jake chuckled then looked at Faye and smirked. "No way."
  Tears rimmed my eyes and I saw Eleanor and Danielle shooting me sympathetic looks. I ripped my arm out of Harry's grasp and ran out of the cafeteria. I ran to a classroom and shut the door before taking a seat on the teachers desk and letting my tears fall freely. 

  I looked up at Harry and groaned. "Go away."
  "Not happening. I didn't mean to make you upset. I just don't want you falling for that kind of a guy when all he'll do is make you cry."
  "Not like you're doing any better."
  He sighed and crossed the room slowly then stood in front of me, between my legs. He didn't seem to take much notice of it but I did. 

  "I'm sorry, but at least now you know. Aren't you at least happy about that?"
  "No," I mumbled stubbornly making him chuckle. "I'm sorry, I really am and he doesn't deserve you anyway."

  "Stop saying that! You don't know me! You don't know what I deserve, Harry!"
  "I do! You deserve better than him! He's a man whore!"
  "So?! I like him, I like the man whore, okay?! Get over it!"

  He glared slightly and stepped closer, it was too close. Dangerous. 
  "I won't! You don't see how he flirts with you then every other girl in school?!"
  "I do! Okay? I see it but you know what, who cares? He's enough, he's fine!"
  "He'll be the worst boyfriend ever," he stated as if I don't already know that.
  "I know!"
  "So don't settle!"

  "You don't understand anything Ha-"
  He cut me off by pressing his lips firmly against mine. My heart swelled and I gripped his hair, pulling him closer towards me. His hands took hold of my hips allowing him to pull me up against him.

  I can't believe I'm sitting here kissing Harry. This is insanity. I know people who would kill me without a second thought if they knew I was doing this. Harry's tongue slowly slid along my bottom lip, teasingly. I parted my lips, not wanting to play any games.

  He slowly explored every inch my mouth, how is he so good? He's a nerd, how can he be so good at kissing? This is madness. His lips left mine making my eyes snap open. I suddenly felt his tongue slide along my skin leaving a trail down my jawline. 

  I stopped talking as his lips connected with the skin on my neck. What? This has got to be a dream. He sucked slowly on my sweet spot making me let out a soft moan. His smirk was evident as he kissed the spot under my ear gently. 

  He looked into my eyes deeply before locking lips with me once again, feeding my cravings. I pressed my body against his making him let out a deep, throaty moan. It was the sexiest thing I've ever heard and I couldn't believe Harry was doing this to me.

  "Finally there you- whoa, holy shit!"
  I pulled back and turned to see Danielle standing there in the doorway smirking like there was no tomorrow. "Am I interrupting something?"

  She raised an eyebrow making me glare slightly. Harry's grip loosened and he allowed me to jump off of the desk and bite my lip. "I need you Alia."
  I nodded and turned to Harry to smile at him shyly before walking out behind Danielle who I knew was going to question me.

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