The future

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The life of Stiles Stilinski...

Stiles' POV

"What does that mean?" I hear Scott ask beside me, but no one answers as the screen starts to load.

"So we're just" I ask, quite confused about why we are watching videos on me, when there are literally werewolves in this room. But I guess it can't be that bad right?

"But Stiles, some of those things in the video I don't remember, do you remember most of what we just saw?" Scott asks me, and I think he's right. I don't remember everything that was on that video.

"Well I do remember a lot of that, but yeah I also don't remember some of it." I say, a bit confused. I was about to ask something else when the screen starts to load something again.

Loading future...

"Woah, woah, woah, hold on a second. The future? As in we are going to be watching me, in the future?" I say, getting more confused and excited by the second.

"But how are we watching the fut-" Dad starts to say, but is cut off when another video starts to play.

"Dude! I just realised that you grow your hair out!" Scott points out. "Oh my god, your right...I wonder when that's going to happen." I wonder out loud.

I hear Derek huff next to me, "what was that for?" I ask, but then again this is sourwolf we're talking about. "It's because, Stiles, you never take anything seriously. Even in serious situations." Derek just grumbles at me. "Yeah whatever" I mumble to myself.


I'm sorry this is so short, it's just because for some reason I can't find many happy Stiles videos and a lot of void Stiles, so hopefully the next chapter will be longer.

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