Bi, Bi, Bi

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(If you don't like Sterek then can you please skip this chapter? Because that is what most of the chapter is. Thanks!)


Third POV

Loading Stiles...

"Wha-What is that talking about?"

"Stiles do you know what it's saying?"

"Uh, why was Derek in that?"

"Stiles do you have anything to say?"

Stiles really didn't have anything to say, and if he was being honest he was confused. He had never really thought of it because of the small obsession he had on Lydia over the last few years.

"I-I don't know what it's talking about, I swear" Stiles says, as if he's convincing everyone in the room, but he knows deep down that he's really just trying to make it sound believable enough for him to believe it himself.

"Stiles, you do know that you can be honest with everyone here don't you?" The honesty in Scotts voice almost convinces him that it's true.

"No! There's nothing else to say. I don't know what it's trying to say. That's it, now can we please move on to something else?"

Loading Stiles...

Silence. Absolute Silence.

"Listen Stiles, what I said at the...Club, I didn't really think into what I was saying, I just said what I always believed was true."

The sheriff was telling the truth, he never really thought of Stiles liking anything but girls, and he only believed that because of all the times Stiles would come home complaining about Lydia once again not noticing him whenever he tried getting her attention.

"Dad...I don't want to lie to you, any of you. But I really don't know about any of this, I mean with all of the supernatural being the only thing on my mind at the moment, I haven't had the time to."

Stiles was getting confused by the second, the more he though about all this, the more jumbled his brain seemed to be getting.

"Anyway, Stiles, back to the first video about...This, do you want to be more open about it and say what it actually meant by showing Derek in that? Quite a few times might I add."

The shock Stiles felt at who said that. Lydia Martin. Why would she be asking this? He didn't even know that answer to that question himself.

"How about you just leave Stiles to think for a moment?" Now Stiles just thought his brain was playing tricks on him. Surely sourwolf of all people would not be trying to help him. Surely.

"I always knew there was something else to Bilinski." Stiles hears coach mutter. Was he really trying to be discreet?

Loading Platonic Sterek...

"You know Derek? I know you're a sourwolf, but sometimes you live up to the name just a bit to much." Derek glares at Stiles as the latter grumbles out the rest of his sentence.

"Stiles, you really got to stop making it worse."

"Oh come on Scotty, you know it's true, he's always going to be a sou-"

"Stiles! Call me that one more time and I'll rip your throat out. With m-"

"Oh come on Derek, getting a bit boring now don't you think? Use another line, maybe something like, I'll rip your arm off with my bare hands. You know? Just be more creative."

"Stiles, you're really not helping the situation right now." Thanks to Scott, he finally stops as his grin appears making Derek feel a mix of emotions. Frustration. But surprisingly...Amusement?

Loading Sterek...

"That was different, but...Nice?"

"That had a different feeling to it."

"Stiles, I didn't know that you were that close to Derek Hale."

"I always thought there was something different between them."

"Huh, who knew"

"Alright, alright, can everyone please stop speaking? First of all, most of that hasn't even happened, and the things that have happened are completely normal between two people like me and Derek, okay?"

"For once, I agree with Stiles. I don't know what that video was trying to insinuate, but you need to remember that these videos are most likely for entertainment purposes only."

Derek really did want to believe that, he did, but he couldn't ignore the sound of the quiet blip in his heart when he was saying it.

Everyone was then interrupted by even more words than normal appearing on the screen.

The next video will tell you everything that you need to know, and will then give you more context to understand the previous videos more clearly.

Wonder swarmed in everyone's heads as ideas formed in their brains.

Loading Sterek...

(Reminder that if you don't like Sterek, don't watch this.)

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!?" The room is surrounded with the yelling of Stiles' loud voice.

"NONE OF THAT IS  TRUE!" Derek nearly roars in agreement.

But everyone else? Silent.

"Stiles...Do you have anything that you've been meaning to tell me?"

"What!? No dad! Are you kidding me? W-we haven't done any of that! And besides...That's in the future, who knows what happens."

"Woah, dude! Are you saying that it's possible that, that might happen in the future? That was unexpecte-"

"No Scott, that's not what I was trying to say in the slightest."

"But...It could happen at any moment in the future, who knows? I mean, anything is possible, especially when it comes to you two."

"Yeah, maybe, well we'll see when it comes to then, but can we please move on now?" Stiles tries to hide his slightly red tinted face, but doesn't succeed, seeing Derek looking at him with the smallest smirk he had ever seen, but it was clearly there and he would never forget it.

Sorry...I kind of forgot the people that I added, so I'm kind of just coming up with them as I go now.

I don't have many options of which they can react to, but I will be doing Maze runner and probably Newtmas (if you don't like that, I'm sorry, but you can always skip). If you have any other ideas, please let me know. Thanks!

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