Part 10 - Let me help her

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My back hit the floor, I quickly got to my feet as I saw the professor had thrown me out by my collar he slammed the door shut and bolted it tight. The door began to bang and scratch screaming echoing from inside,

"wh- what was that?!" I asked,

For a moment he only gasped, leaning his shoulder against the door until the screaming silenced, "You are relieved of duty Doctor Dawkins."

"wha- what?"

"You. Are alleviated of your duties here." he said, "Pack your things and leave." He demanded before he began the walk back up to his office,

"What! No! You can't just fire me!" I complained following him,

"I do not want to hear it!"

"I am the best doctor here and you know it!"

"I have spoken my word on the matter,"

"You can't just fire me! For what opening a door?!" we arrived at his office he tried to shut me out but I grabbed the door before he could close it and slammed it behind it,

"Enough! I have made my decision! you are to leave Port Victory Royal Hospital immediately!"

"I refuse!"

"This isn't up for debate!"

"what was that! What is going on! where's y/n!" I yelled

"That is y/n!"

I froze up, "what?"

"That is Y/n. That's her room." He slumped into his chair his head in his hand,

"... Y/n she's-"

"she's not well."

"Please... how is she not well?" I asked taking a seat across from him,

"...She's been like this forever. Always a very strange little girl."

"Because she doesn't talk?"

"She's never said a word. She cried when she was little and once she grew out of crying. She never spoke a word no matter how anyone tried." He explained, "She was... different."

"How so?"

"Other girls want to play with dolls, She wanted to play with animals, At first we thought it was sweet, seeing her go out into the woods bringing home koalas and wombats with her," he chuckled, "She built herself a little animal hospital in the basement, I thought it was sweet kinda hoped she'd be a nurse when she grew up but..."


"But it didn't last long, we thought she was being sweet wrapping animals up and taking care of them but she wasn't. She was opening them up and experimenting."

"Like surgery?"

"Somewhat... We didn't really look into it too much. We got her to a doctor as soon as possible."

"... what kind of doctor?" My voice broke slightly,

"We sent her a doctor. A specialist. And he recommended she be... taken away."

"Taken where."

"The asylum. She is not well. She needed help."

"you send her to the Asylum!"

"She is not well!"

"So you sent her to the Asylum!"

"I am the head surgeon of this hospital and I will not hear from you! An untrained butcher! about how I see to the health of my granddaughter!"

"... If you sent her to Asylum why is she here?"

"... her father died. While she was inside... her mother... I lost my daughter to the birth of her second child. As she laid in her bed... knowing her end. She begged me. Her dying wish was to take Y/n out of that place. She wanted her to be with me. Her mother never wanted to send her in the first place so... even if I disagreed. I did as she asked." he explained, "I am keeping her here. But she MUST remain in her room. For her own safety. and the safety of everyone else outside this place." he explained, "She is not well Doctor Dawkins... Not well at all."

"So you're going to lock her down there... let her rot?"

"...what would you have me do?"

"...Let me help her."


"Please... let me help her. At least let me try..."

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