Chapter 1

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TW ⚠️: Bullying, and etc that I don't know how to word I'm sorry cries and pleads

This is a short chapter, I'll probably be using different perspectives in this story for lots of things.

If there's any errors, plot holes, grammar mistakes, or dadada that seems like a mistake, js tell me :D I'll try my best to edit or explain it.

Well, have fun reading this short chap!

Amber, a girl born sickly with curly strawberry blonde hair, hazel eyes whereas her skin glows like ambers, and with such... weird combination, she was always bullied by her classmates or schoolmates.

The only thing she was great at was ballerina, and for her, it was something that drained her problems and thoughts.

Her family, the quite wealthy life for Amber was always worried for such a frail girl like her, seeing as she always had wounds inflicted on her skin and self, but they never found out such stuff had been done to her.

Too busy, they said as they gave a small glance at the child and turned a blind eye.

They only assumed that she was a troublemaker, and more focused on her elder sister who was caring of Amber, better.

Bullied, hurt, mocked and yet she remained with a sweet yet foolish smile with bandages and shaky hands. Her soft visage had hidden almost all of her feelings from her family.

Until she met him.


"Hah! Look at her with that damn weird hair!" The kids laugh at her face, shoving her around, her body so lifeless it had reminded the ones around her of a ragdoll. "She's not even trying anymore!" Someone groaned, both annoyed and amused.

"Yeah, no fun!" One of the boys laughed and grabbed onto her hair, which Amber had all yet not still gone used to. She gasped, her hands reaching for the scalp of her head.

Though, they only laugh as they walk away after hearing the ring bell, throwing her head down to the ground and walked out the door.

Her forehead bleeding from the rough surface of the cement, her skin scraped off from the hit, her body bruised with all kinds of influctions. Alone in the hidden part of the gym, of where there were piled up objects and toys such as basketballs, shoes, etc.

It has been a hundred of times since they've started doing this to her, she should've been used to this, she told herself, rubbing her leaking eyes, covering her soft sniffling that echoed in the dark room, door locked. Only then the evening had came can she come out of the room.

But maybe, today wasn't like always.

"Hey," someone whispered, Amber quickly snapped her neck and looked out the windowed door where the voice had came from, bright eyes peeping onto her.

Amber would quickly assume that it was one of the guys that probably lost their things while doing stuff to her. It wasn't not rare for that to happen.

"I'm sorry- I shouldn't be crying- should I find your things? I should-" Amber hurriedly stood with bruised, trembling legs and tear dried cheeks, brushing off the blood that dribbled down her forehead.

"What- no!" The boy shook his head, his disappointed and exasperated expression visible on his face. Amber assumed, once again, in a terrified face, is he here to hurt me? The thought repeated in her mind, eyes sparkling as it melted and teared. Shoulders shaking in obvious fear.

The boy sighed and walked away, his shadows that appeared under the gap of the door disappeared, knowing that, Amber gasped and sighed in relief, falling to the ground, hands knitted onto the side temples of her head. Trying to die out her confusion and thoughts.

Until she heard... A peculiar sound, what seemed to be a heavy object, pushed or dragged around, a table or a chair maybe. Was it the boy again?

She quickly shuts her eyes, her breathing fast and short, chest rising up and down. Trying to think of anything but the torment, ballet, she keeps missing her ballet lessons after the guys had fondly decided to lock her in a dark room. The thoughts and words repeated in her mind, and yet her eyes kept leaking when it had always worked before.

The sound disappears, but the shadow underneath the gap appeared once again, though there was still hope in her heart as she assumed it to be the janitor, but if it was, she could have already seen him through the glass window, and besides, its too early.

"Hey! Can you distance yourself from the door a little?" The boy's voice reappeared, already ingrained in Ambers mind, quickly, she crawled backwards, noticing his peeping eyes again, and his bruised, calloused hand popping up into the windowed glass door, forming a thumbs up before fading down again.

Amber counted the seconds the boy stopped talking and moving, and soon—SMASH! The door blasted open after another—SMASH! and there, the boy appeared. Just as bruised as she was, a little taller than she is, brown hair combed to—unusually—just his left side. As if the wind had blasted onto him from the right side and created... A unique hairstyle.

Eyes as dark as onyx, with a shade of red. His skin tan, and bruised and bandaged.

His hand gripped onto a chair which soon broke down just after he dropped it, light seemed to be coming from behind him and creating a large shadow onto the ground.

"Let's go to the nursery," he whispered in a fast breathing, eyes twitching, body sluggishly moving towards her and—FLOP—He falls to the ground, flat.


Amber held onto the unknown boy's somewhat heavy and bloody shoulder, almost tipping over every step she takes. It was quite overwhelming too, from the stares she earned and from how heavy the boy was.

Though it was quite the lucky moment for her since the boys that had done stuff to her had actually noticed her whilst she balanced herself with the unknown boy, and surprisingly never went close to her.

She assumed that it was because it would have created rumours over how they were the ones that had hurt her. But why were they terrified?

It was something she questioned, strangely, about them. And she will never do it again as she spun and let the boys view drown in the hundreds of people crowding.

Soon, she reached the nursery where the nurse—not really calmly—grabbed her and him to the bed and started doing stuff that Amber couldn't really tell from how blurry her vision was, and how she only fixated onto the unconscious boy.

The nurse had mentioned his name when she first saw the two, and called— Nikolai— and her, Amber. Amber could only think of one thing at such an alarming situation.


And fell asleep on the stiff bed, her last view being the bed, tainted with her blood.



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