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Author's note: Hello, readers. i am SO SORRY for writing this late. I had Spring Break and I went to California. And the signal at my grandma's house is poor. I'll continue the story. Dont forget to comment and rate PLEASE!

**Chapter 15**

Unknown Powers

I gasped, my father kidnapped me. Well, I dont really see him as my father, only as a mean guy.

I was shaking because he knows all my secrets and everything I know about him. My father laughed and slammed the door from the dark and cold room.

Everything was pitch black, I wish none of this happened. If my mother hadn't left, I wouldnt of been here. Why did she have to leave?

I felt heat inside my body like fire! I opened my palms and a small fire was there. I couldnt feel it, I closed my hand and opened it again.


It wasnt a dream. I knew it wasnt a dream. It didnt feel like it. I opened my other hand, and cold air came out of it.


As time went by I trained myself in a few hours. I knew hat it would be easy for me to escape. I could shoot out fire, make the air cold, make the entire room freeze, and I could burn this building!

I opened the door carefully and slowly, it was midnight, I walked to the front door. A guy with a beard shined a light on me

"What do you think your doin? Get back to the room." he yelled


I pushed him off to the side, shooting out fire off the palm of my hands.

I ran outside and set the corners of the house on fire, everyone sleeping in there would die. I was a sinful murderer. They were all goin to Hell, because I bet that they all killed other girls my age.

I knew that this house I stayed in was close to the airport, so I went in a bus, with the money my mom gave me with the note.

I went inside and saw that I was the only child there. I went through the security, you know.... ALL of the stuff you go through.

I got in the airplane. I was glad that I was leaving, I was going home. I smiled and looked out the window.

I was going to see my mom for the first time in years.

I remember her beautiful face, she was very kind. Before my mom left, she gave me her address telling me to hide it from my dad.

I always kept it and even memorized because some day, like today, I would need it.

I didnt feel sad for my little sister. She had a different mom anyway.

From the state of Nevada, which is where I live, to the city of Chicago would be about 6 hours of sitting on this airplane.

It was going to be a long ride.

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