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*Chapter 10*


I woke up in the morning to go to school with Cody. His mom served us eggs and hashbrown before we left to school.

I leaned on him as we walked to the bus, blah, blah, blah, NOW IN SCHOOL

I walked to my p.e. class with Brook Rochards gone. Finding Abigail Pea leaning on my locker.

I sat on the bench and waited for her to move. I looked at her, as she stared at me in hatred. She was wearing a pink shirt, with a purple skirt. She tapped on her black high heels.

"I know what you did, Kat" said Abigail

"What?" I said with energy

"You do........ spells! Or am I wrong?" angrily said by Abigail

"You are SO wrong" acting serious

"Oh yeah? I did a curse spell on an ENEMY and they died the next day. Yeah, they did DIE. Im not dumb, Im telling your boyfriend" said Abigail

She walked away, I was so frightened. How did she know?

"You freak! Your the one who always lies!" I yelled

Abigail just have me the cold shoulder and walked even faster.

I wonder who Cody will believe. He cant believe that diva, right? At least everyone thinks Abigail is the school liar. I would have to lie to him if he asked


I walked back home from school, and saw the police at Ricky's house. I knew it was Cody's mom who called, because I told her instead of Cody.


"Hello?" I said

"Kat, is it true you do spells?" said Cody

I stayed silent, why does he think Im that evil? I do DO spells but, if I didnt do them, why would be believe Abigail Pea.

"You betrayed me. I dont do spells! **lieing** Why would you believe Abigail anyway!" sadly said by me. Even if I didnt do spells, why would Cody chose Abigail more than me?

"No baby, I didnt bel-" said Cody

"Sure! Then why did you ask? I dont want to talk about this, dont talk to me" I said then hung up.

I walked home knowing that Cody wont trust me after I show him the truth. Im only telling him about me doing spells when I break up with him sometime in the next year or even later.

Maybe I shouldnt tell Cody at all.

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