3- The truth

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Keith POV-

I sit eating my goop at the table. Everyone is talking about things like memories and missions with Lance butting in with a joke or two now and then. Nothing much has happened lately with the Galra's counter attacks except the one attack last week that lasted a varga and then they retreated due to attacks. It's weird that they haven't done much. They normally try to take the lions whenever they can but they haven't only retreating here and there to prevent losing troops. What happened to victory or death? I see Lance look in the mirror again checking his face. Seriously? You would think he would be confident but for the past few weeks he has been checking his face over and over more than he trains honestly. What on earth is wrong with him anyway? Does he have a pimple or something that he tries to cover up everyday or something I mean he used to never look in mirrors.
Why am I even caring! He is just annoying that's all with his over exaggerating and skin care routines. His stupid jokes and selflessness from time to time helping everyone. I feel my face go hot as I think more about it. The way he acts, how he dresses and how he talks. Ugh he is such a bother! So why do I care! Why am I worrying about someone so annoying! I sigh as my face goes more and more red at the thought of him. Lance looks around a bit before putting on some more foundations on his cheeks rubbing it in quickly while everyone is talking. What is he hiding? He is normally so open about everything I want to know! Shiro looks over to me a bit and walks over as I finish my goop. "You ok Keith?"
"Yeah just thinking"
"About what?" I pause for a moment before continuing. "About Lance. Haven't you noticed his obsession with mirrors and foundation lately?"
"No? Keith what do you mean?" I sigh taking my plate into the kitchen. Shiro follows close behind as we walk down the corridors. We get in the kitchen and I close the door silently. "What I mean is that he has been wearing makeup and being distant. He has been like this since training that day. It's like he is hiding something big. Something important that we need to know."
"Maybe but we have no evidence of anything for now and we have to respect other Paladins privacy"
"Sometimes we have to think about it. You have seen it to Shiro we need to check it out a bit at least. We need to know for everyone's sake." I hear him take a deep breath as he starts pacing around trying to think it over. He must know we have to do something doesn't he? We can't just leave it. He stops walking and looks back over to me. "What do you want me to do?"


No one's POV-

After telling the plan Shiro gathers everyone to train in the training room reluctantly. He says him and Keith had made a new training system that he thinks will improve everyone's skills in battle in the best way possible.

Lance's POV-

I hate when Keith makes some new training systems. It's always long and boring which leaves me getting out in the first 3 doboshes with my skills. I have to do it anyway if Shiro tells us to anyway since he is the leader isn't he. I sluggishly walk over to an area as the robots drop from the roof in groups of 5. There are 3 groups surrounding us with large guns that seem familiar but I try to ignore it as some new Galra technology like Pidge and Hunk ramble about. Coran and Allura are watching us from above in their special booth which is so annoying! Why do they get lay back while we train! Oh right because they fight from the castle how could I ever forget. The robots slowly power on as everyone draws their weapons. I turn my bayard into a simple gun I saw once in a sci fi movie back home. 
"On my count!" I wait for Shiro's call as I load the gun quickly. "Go!" The robots turn on and flank everywhere surrounding us quickly. They then start shooting... Water! They have water guns! I dodge an attack quickly as i realize my suit doesn't have my helmet! I am going to ruin the makeup like this! I give Pidge a panicked look as she returns a face of worry knowing that we were done for. I can't let them see these marks! I just can't! I shoot at a robot causing it to power down quickly. Others continue to shoot successfully covering everyone with water. All but me! I try to bolt it away but they keep shooting I try to shield my face from the water as I run as far as I can until I trip. I fell onto the ground in a heap as the robot manages to shoot the water onto my face.
I feel the foundation sliver down my face as everyone stares in shock... Pidge runs over and tries to help me recover my face to no avail as I feel tears sting my eyes. No no no! This can't be happening! This cannot be happening to me! I am not a monster! I am not a monster! I am not! I am not! I am not! I look into her eyes as everyone approaches in complete wonder. Allura covers her mouth and tears up while Coran's eyes widen... "Lance... You are-" Before she can finish she floods into tears clinging onto me tightly refusing to let me go like I have been gone for centuries.  Keith walks over too and sits down. "I am sorry i didn't know" He hugs me quickly apologising relentlessly over and over. Allura scans me while crying pulling me closer. "Why are you hugging me! I-"
"I finally found you! I found my baby brother!" Hunk's jaw drops as Shiro stares at me then Allura. "Princes do you mean?!"
"Before I got frozen my brother was sent away for protection... Lance must have forgotten he was Altean and grew up thinking he was human! Coran we found him! Lance prince of Altea!" 
"Prince?!" Since when was I royalty or related to- I have been flirting with my sister! Oh dear god! Ew ew ew! "Yes you are a Prince Lance. As Adviser of the royals of Altea that means I know this stuff and it is true." I look down in bewilderment. This is so confusing!

What I once was - Altean LanceWhere stories live. Discover now