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Lance's POV-

"Time get up bluey." I groan a bit as I feel Keith shift next to me a bit trying to gently nudge me off his chest. It can't be morning yet can it? Its way too early! Plus I don't wanna move. He is so soft and warm with his fluffy self. With his long embraces as we drift off to sleep while chatting. Jeez I am a simp for him ain't I? From rivals to lovers. The whole weird ass package. I feel him nudge me once more with a small groan. "Come on now."
"Five more minutes!" I hear him chuckle as he lifts me up a bit into a sitting position to my annoyance. He is so annoying! "We gotta wake up." I roll my eyes a bit sticking out my tongue slightly. "What are you my mama?" 
"No I guess not. However-" He leans over and kisses me on the lips swiftly. Hugging me tightly close to him as if I am the sweetest necter he could ever get. I feel my face heat up once more as he pulls away. "-I am your boyfriend darling as always. Don't you forget it hun~"  I give him a small glare as he smirks at me, removing his hands from my back. He ruffles my hair fast giving my forehead a peck. "Come on we have a meeting today and I will make sure you are there. On time." 
"Because you need to be there instead of messing about with oversleeping again. Now come on." I roll my eyes a bit giving him a slight smile. Always so serious isn't he? When can he ever lay off and relax in bed with me and just sleep. I reluctantly shuffle out of the bed, slipping into my fluffy slippers and wiping my crusty eyes. Why am I like this! Why does mullet have to make me feel like this!
I stand up and walk over to Keiths bathroom grabbing my toothbrush from the pot. I add the paste and begin to scrub in every crevise I can find. Come on Lance we got this! I am still like a tomato aren't I? Yeah I am. Ugh! I spit out the paste and changes into my amazing daily outfit with a new addition, a sweet red braclet. Pidge decided that it would be kind of cute if me and Keith shared a braclet set. So we can always be together even if we are apart.
"Lance we gotta go!"
"I am coming mullet!"


"And that concludes the meeting! Any questions?" Shiro smiles slightly as he concludes his long speech, holding Alura's hand as he does so. Not gonna lie, him and my sister have unspoken chemistry- Wait could they potentially date! Oh my god yes! Adorable! Space Dad, space sis. Amazing! I smile a bit as Hunk starts handing out goo cookies around with a huge grin. Oh this is just so perfect!- Too perfect... 
"You okay Lance?"
"Uhh yeah Pidge just, this seems too nice. Too happy. Something will happen I know it." She raises an eyebrow to me as she bites into her cookie. "You need to stop stressing about it k? It will be fine dimwit with me being here to protect you." Keith smiles slightly kissing me on the forehead and wrapping an arm around my hip slightly. "Keiths right bro we will be fine! Nothing can ever-"
"When did I ever say you could leave my ship Lance Mcclain." Oh hell no. I turn to see the one and only Lotor in the doorway. Annoyance inhabiting his face clenching some sort of device. I feel Keiths grip tighten as he shifts me behind him protectively. Teeth baring with a slight growl. "Lotor! You have no business on my ship. Leave now."
"Oh princes I have much business here with a certain blue palidan. Don't you think Lance?"
"Don't you touch him." Keith glares daggers at him while grabbing his bayard from his leg pocket. "Why such hostility to a fellow Galra Red Palidan. I only wish to send Lance on a little trip for a few days as a test!" 
"What do you mean-" He lifts his device slightly with a smirk before turning to face everyone. "All in good time Lance. But don't worry, you won't die." I feel a shiver run up my spine as each word leaves his lips slowly. What the hell is he planning! Just then he presses the button. I feel myself falling as Keith grabs my arm. I grip tight as I look down. The floor is gone! There is a portal! "Keith!"
"Hang on bluey!"
"I am trying!" Allura runs at Lotor trying grab the device with Shiro while Pidge and Hunk try help get me up. Come on! I like this happening in movies but not in real life! I feel myself being pulled inside. At this rate we will all fall in if I don't go in. "Don't fight it palidans! He won't die I think anyways! It is only a matter of time!" I hear Keith growl once more as he tries pull me up. "Keith, let me go."
"I will be fine!"
"No! I will not lose you again to this monster!" I loosen my grip. "Keith-"
"NO! We will go together." I smile sadly as he leans close kissing me on the lips once more before looking at the others. They seem so paniked. Scared. He sighs giving me a smile. "Together my love?" 
"Always for you mullet. Don't let me go..." I hear him laugh slightly as he pulls me close. "Only a fool would let a man like you go." The force pulls us as we fall into the portal together. Into the dark. into the unknown. Into the chaos. Drowning out the shouts of my family. I grip tight as I nuzzle my face into his fluffy fur and warmth. Together.

What I once was - Altean LanceWhere stories live. Discover now