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Lumien was half searing with rage as he tried to read the expression of the prisoner that he was going to interrogate. The previous encounter with this elderly piece of work was too close a call. Lumien was sulking before he set out for this non-cordial rendezvous with a not only reluctant but understandably hostile prisoner. The fact that he had to personally appear to coax information out of this unrelenting idealogue meant that friendly and relatively unfriendly ways of communication led to results that left a lot to be desired. The irritation was further compounded by the confusing way Aurelia was dealing with the aftermath of the battle. After the little unplanned excursion that he was not informed about, Aurelia seemed to be doubting everything around her. Lumien could see that something he wasn't privy to was clouding her mind and henceforth her judgement a little. Whatever it was, he just wanted to get it done with, as that was the order from the princess.

Annoyingly calm and filled with passive aggressive suggestions did not make his woes any less as the prisoner started to test his already waning patience.

"I don't have all day," announced Lumien with unmistaken coldness as he unsheathed his sword and brandished in front of the rather unshaken prisoner. Even when Lumien intimidated the old man by placing it threateningly on his skin with an unspoken warning of rearranging his guts, it did not elicit a visible shock.

"I've seen many like you, boy. The men earlier tried what they can. What makes you think you can make any difference? My only regret is that I wasn't able to kill more of you out there."

"Be glad that you are alive and that is because I was ordered to ask you questions."

"You think I care? Even after all these years behind these bars? See boy, you are not getting anything from me. I am just a lackey. I did what I was told." The prisoner resisted.

"By who?" Lumien was curt.

"It's always interesting with you people. One with the nature. Cute animals and sickening sermons of equality. But beneath the surface, it's all ruckus and destruction. It's as vile as what we are. What we were made out into becoming. Only difference, is I do this in plain sight. You and your kingdoms do this behind closed doors."

The prisoner was cut short by Lumien yelling "Enough. I am not here to be enamoured by and applaud your propaganda. This province knew no peace until people like you were brought to justice. If I were the King, I would've done the same, and I would have been much less graceful about it. That's why he sits on the throne today with overwhelming support. Now that you are in a mood to talk, don't make it painful for us both."

"You shouldn't be the one talking about propaganda," the prisoner gave out a derisive stare which incensed Lumien. "Your liberator took all we had, intentionally or not. Then your kingdom tried to take away our only shot at survival. What else do you expect? Not that I care. I don't need your validation. Don't waste your time and get out of here. Better call up reinforcements like a coward you are. Don't be too trusting of these magical bars."

"I said enough," Lumien bellowed. A couple of men entered the prison, trying to restrain the prisoner. Lumien took out his sword. "It's strange that it is still glowing in your presence. But I don't trust you." As he shone the light, the only source in the almost pitch-black room straight into the prisoner's eyes, the burning sensation of it made the prisoner yelp out in discomfort.

"This is your last chance. Talk before you lose your limbs or your mind. You know it can be done. I am certain you have seen it happen to people like you. Speak or die or worse." Lumien ordered in finality.

The prisoner finally felt fear seep in breaking the shield of bravado that he was displaying earlier; his resolve beginning to slip before panic took over. He looked distraught looking for a way out from this certain doom. Before the chokehold from another guard could knock the wind out of him, he frantically stomped his feet on the floor with intent.

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