Chapter 78: Can't Cry Over Spilt Milk

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The moment I returned to the place we are staying at, there greeted me Hyeondong Lee and Jihyeok Jang who are both distressed with the bad news I brought with me.

"You told North Gangbuk High that we'd become their subordinates?!" The way they're both in sync makes me feel like the world is about to end.

I sighed, standing infront of the door frame. "Can you let me in before you bitch at me?" Good thing they still have manners and paved the way for me to enter.

"Welcome back, Suhyeon."

"Yeah, thanks—"

"So we're a subordinate of North Gangbuk now?!" Jihyeok screeched, cutting off the gratitude I'm no longer about to give.

I can confidently say that I improved at controlling my temper. I don't slap anyone like Chaerin. Instead, a close-eyed smile is enough to shut him up.

"That's right." Entering the room, the rest of the crew are actually waiting for my return.

Pulling a chair and sitting on it, I crossed my arms and gave them a serious look. "Papi—I mean, Yun Jo will destroy us without even batting an eyelash. I had no choice but to oblige."

The strategist of our crew looks disheartened. " liege!"

"You clearly know I had no other way out from that. As an intellectual gambler that you once claimed me to be, I made a gamble and chose the safest option."

Looking at them all, Kuja sat on the floor while looking down, no eye contact or whatsoever. Jihyeon is seated on a wooden chair with a circular flat on top, same to Yugyeom whose back is facing us instead.

Hajun, who's the only one that got a brutal beating from Daniel, is luckily patched up with bandages just in time.

Hyeondong has a regretful expression on his face, as if guilt creeped into him even though he doesn't need to. Jihyeok, however, looks like he has a lot in his mind.

The only thing that relieves me is the fact that none of them are severely hurt, with the exception of Hajun who I unfortunately failed to rescue on time.

I flashed them a smile. "This is the only way to save you guys." Despite attempting to change the plot, there is absolutely no way for me to change everything.

This is a major event in the webtoon. Even if I put a lot of effort, I won't be able to revise it easily. It's a miracle that the system even marked my main quest of surviving Daniel to be complete.

"I'm sorry everyone." I opted to apologize. I'm aware that my surrender to the North is unworthy of me as a leader, but I still did anyway. "If I were stronger, then—"

"It's my fault."

I stopped midsentence, realizing that Haru is also awake among the crew. The reason I made him go sleep earlier is to prevent him from feeling bad about the situation we're in.

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