Chapter 21: Slap Me! But Just a Little Bit!

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Normal Card - Card Master

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Normal Card - Card Master

Allows the user to combine or disassemble cards in order to receive cards of a higher or lower rank.

Haha, the cliffhanger last chapter is a bummer. Afterall, I just received the same card that original Suhyeon had, so it's not really a suspense. I grinned at the sight of the gold card infront of me.

The master of all cards, the one thing that can actually be useful! I proceeded in claiming the bronze cards as well so I can start the gambl—I mean, assembling and disassembling of cards.

You have claimed 10 bronze cards.

Damn, it really is a lot! But none of them looks very useful to me. Original Suhyeon thought the only one that is useful is the Leap of Strength.

But since it decreases intelligence by three levels in exchange, I don't think I could afford to lose any braincells.

Not like I have one, but still!

Now, which cards did he combine at this time? Checking my phone, I scrolled again to check. "Here we go. Bronze card, Hit Those Low Notes—" I stopped, narrowing my eyes at it.

Wait a second, this one's pretty good! I can scare the shit out of motherfuckers with this kind of card!

If I have the Hit Those High Notes card, this Hit Those Low Notes card is a must-have!

"Er, what should I choose then...aha!" I should combine the four bronze cards first. "Four cards!"

You used the card Master Card

It glowed, before showing me two disappointing silver cards. Not like I'm disappointed, I already expected it since that's how it is in the webtoon.

You received 2 silver card by combining 4 bronze cards.

Both are trigger cards, with one for basketball while the other is soccer.

"Alright, I'll deal with that later. Now!" Pointing at two bronze cards, I decided to combine Lesser What's That Smell and changed the Hit Those Low Notes with Lesser Magic Touch.

You used the card Master Card.

I closed my eyes, trying not to get sad with the result. I'm quite nervous since it might give me a different silver card. I changed what was supposed to be combined with the bronze card, so the result might be changed too.

You received a silver card by combining 2 bronze cards.

I slowly opened one eye, then the other. I stared at the silver card before me. It is an attack card, a very familiar card.

Boxing - Straight Punch

I internally rejoiced since my voice can't scream too loud at the moment. But damn, I'm so lucky! To think I still got this silver card when I changed one bronze card in combining it.

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