DREAMING (7/20/2019)

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Dear Diary,


As I walk out of the house, I get in a two door red sports car that's in my driveway. Putting the car in drive, I then drive backwards down the road, and then up a hill. And as I'm halfway up the hill, a two door blue truck drives down the hill, and comes right towards me at a high rate of speed.

Serving to the left once he approaches me, I do a 360, and I pull over to the side of the road, and grip the steering wheel waiting for him to drive past me. With him passing me, without looking at me, I watch him in the rear view mirror make a right hand turn. Putting the car back in drive, I drive to the top of the hill, and pull into a parking lot.

As I park my car, I get out, and a young red headed woman that's wearing a long yellow dress walks up to me, and says, "You're special."

"Special? What's that supposed to mean?" I say, as I look up at the sky.

"You have magical ability," she says, as white circles appear, and then float in front of us. As she cut the circles with her finger, she then says, "Look! You have you a gift. People flock to you."

"Okay," I say, as I walk away, and into an apartment complex, and into an apartment.

Sitting on the couch, the bedroom door is off the hinges, and I get up, and walk to the door. Picking up the door with the hinges stripped, a man walks into the apartment, and says, "Whatcha doing?"

"I'm fixing the bedroom door. What does it look like I'm doing," I say, as I screw the hinges back into the door.

"Here! Let me. Why don't you go lay down," the man says, as he grabs the door.

"Alright! You twisted my arm," I say, as I hand him the door, and lay down on the couch.

As he fixes the door, I close my eyes, and try to nap, but my cell phone rings. Rolling over to my side, I pick up my phone, and see a flashing big red rose on the screen. Unlocking the phone, I see three missed text messages, and five missed calls from Geo, and I put the phone back on the coffee table, and roll back onto my side.

"Ugh! Why didn't you answer your phone? I need your opinion about something," he says, as he climbs through the window, holding a large rolled banner.

"Because I was napping. What do you need my opinion on?" I say, as I watch him.

As he stands in front of me, he unrolls the banner. With it hanging down to his feet, he says, "Whatcha think? Do you like it?"

"I'm not sure," I say, as I sit up, and put my bare feet on the floor. As the bottom of my feet start to vibrate, I then say, "Why can't I leave?"

"I'm not sure. You have to figure that out yourself," he says, as he rolls the banner back up, and sets it on the floor. Walking over to the window, and then jumping out, I hear loud laughter.

As I get up to see what's going on, I walk over to the window, and see Geo in the passenger seat of a car with a bunch of people.

As he looks up at me, he pounds his fist on top of the car, and yells, "Hurry up! Let's get out of here!" With the tires instantly squealing and grey smoke coming from the tires, he then yells, "Luna, the money is misleading you."



Thanks For Reading!
J. Sweet


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