Silent eyes

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     "If you think you're getting away..... I will prove        you wrong."

"After the crowned Prince of Alluvia and his wife had successfully welcomed another child-"

"The Prince of Alluvia has allegedly shut himself out. Even refusing  to see his wife-"

"Why is the Prince acting this way ? Sources from the Alluvian palace have said-"

Prince James  turned off the TV tossing the remote away. He continued to fidget with the hands and stare at the wall impatiently tapping his left leg  on the floor. He ran his hand through his blonde hair. His beautiful blue eyes occasionally darting across the room. It had been months since he saw Camilla, his wife. He'd been too occupied with Eve, the doctor that cared for Camilla while being pregnant.
The woman had mesmerized him in so many ways. Too many ways. He had tried to get his mind off her, he tried to make Camilla the center of attention but no matter how much he tried. He couldn't get Eve out of his head. Couldn't deny the trance she had on him. She was making him crazy.
How could a girl who was just starting out as a junior doctor just have so much power over a monarch of a very powerful nation. These things just don't happen.
He cursed over and over before giving up and throwing on a jumper. He glanced at the clock...12am

This was the effect Eve had on him. The poor girl would've been asleep, having a sleepover with friends  or binging a series at this time. While the Prince paced up and down. Months of defiance and confinement without hearing her voice was driving him mad. She was a kind to live out her life despite being a doctor. He snuck out and headed straight for her house. He kept grunting every time he saw the wrong number on the door.


His eyes immediately lit up when he saw little the gold 112 on the beige door. He knocked on the door repeatedly. Hoping she'd answer as soon as possible. Eventually the sound of the door unlocking was heard and  eventually was face to face with a surprised Eve. Her hair in a messy bun. Her white nightie complimenting her  brown skin. The way her night top was a little cropped exposing only a tiny portion of her stomach made James even more nervous.
"Your majesty-"
Immediately James engulfed her in a bone crushing hug. Trying to wriggle out of his grip made things much worse for her as they only made things worse. Only made his grip on her tighter.
"Your majesty....please" Eve squeaked.
James loosened his grip on her, but still had a firm grip on her waist.
"What is all this ? From the looks of things you should be recovering."Eve breathed out.
James shook his head. "No...I want to be with you."
"Whatever are you talking about ?"
"I don't want to go back...I want to be know what it means to be free. To know what it's like to live...with you."
Eve was taken aback by what she just heard. She wanted to tell him to go home to his wife. To tell him that she'd call his assistant and tell her of his whereabouts. Nevertheless, she was smart. The Prince was way  taller and stronger than she was.
She needed to think...and fast.

Immediately her face lit up. She was an anesthesiologist after all. She knew exactly what to do.
"Your highness.... Perhaps a cup of tea will calm you down."
"No I'm fine." Her heart dropped.
"I insist..."
"Very well."
Taking his hand in hers, she lead him in and sat him down on her soft couch.
She scrolled around her cupboard for the sweet cranberry tea she had. Before putting water in her kettle waiting earnestly as it boiled. She tiptoed back into the living room. Then, sitting next to the crown Prince,
"I'm sorry to pry  your highness but what brings you here..."
Prince James instantly became nervous. Eve put a reassuring hand on his shoulder urging him to go on.
"I can't hold it in any longer.... The way I feel about you. I've never felt this way about anyone before."
The girl was shocked but still listened.
"I've been greatly unhappy Eve....Thoughts of you  torture me daily. I see you all the time. I thought I needed time away from everyone, and then I'd be back to normal but I was losing my mind alone cooped up in that place."
He blushed a bit refusing to look in her eyes.
"Anytime Camilla and I.... y'know....I can't help but think its you. I haven't even gone near her in months because of you. I love you. "
Eve instantly regretted coming to talk to the Prince in the first place. She didn't say a word. She only hummed and rushed to get the tea.
She scrambled through her drawers...
"Where is it." She mumbled. Her heart racing until she sighed in content as she saw the bottle with the medication she was looking for.
She quickly put the tea bag water and got her syringe measuring the right dose that wouldn't kill him, but just enough to put him to sleep in less than 30 seconds.
Quickly putting the dose into the cup and putting milk and sugar in it, she rushed to Prince James side again, gently putting the tray on the little table near us.
He pressed his forehead to hers, inhaling deeply.
"I love you...I really do."
"Your tea."
The Prince took the cup quickly taking sips. His eyes getting heavy. Eve took the cup from him.
"I haven't slept in days....look how I'm able to sleep cause I'm with you." He said smiling droopily.
"I love you Evie..." and with that, he was knocked out on the couch.
Eve quickly called the Prince's assistant explaining everything to her.
In roughly an hour, the assistant and the driver in a somewhat old looking vehicle – to turn attention away from the public, came to pick the Prince up.

Hours later, James awoke in his own bed, the memory of his encounter with Eve a hazy dream. Yet, her image lingered in his mind, a tantalizing promise of what could never be.

With a wistful smile, James resigned himself to the suffocating reality of his marriage. Grateful for the chance to see her one more, he smiled to himself like a lovesick teenager. But deep within his heart, a spark of hope remained – one day, he would have Eve all to himself.

I'll have you to day...

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