Oh. My. you!

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(Imagine God sounds exactly like this guy because I really want him to↑)

The tall man smiled and tipped his hat at Pentious and Charlie. No way this is happening. . . Charlie thought to herself as she took in his appearance
His white top hat had a golden cross on it that covered all of his face in shadows except for his mouth which was in a proud smile, a pair of eyes were on either side of his face, having four in total, two just above his wide brimmed top hat, and two below his pointed chin. He wore a button up shirt with golden cuffs, a white waistcoat over it with a small black bowtie and a white shoulder coat that goes all the way to the ground with feathers near the sparkly gold shoulder pads. The inner side of the coat was a sky blue that faded to white at the bottom and had bright stars. His skin was pure white besides his hands that were pitch black.... It was god.
(I tried my best to describe it, this is my FAVOURITE fan design for him!)

Emily bowed and stepped away from Charlie, Pentious and God to stand next to Sera who had also bowed

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Emily bowed and stepped away from Charlie, Pentious and God to stand next to Sera who had also bowed. She looked nervous but Charlie's eyes stayed on her... well... grandfather...
Petious spoke first, like the Seraphims he also bowed "A-ah... God, sssir- uhm- My lord? Uhm- it- it isss an- an honor to- to be in your presssence" Pentious said softly as his... uh... skin? Hair? The- the damn flaps that he has spread out a little and the eyes in it look up at him. God smiled softly at the snake.
"You don't have to be so formal... uhm... Ah, what's your name again?" he chuckled awkwardly, which made Charlie smile a bit, although she was still trying to process what she was seeing.
"My name iss Ssir Pentiouss, your godlinesss" God nodded and gave a slight bow. "Well, it's very nice to meet you, Sir Pentious... It's a bit ironic that a snake got redeemed..." He chuckled and turned to Charlie while Sir Pentious smiled brightly at him, his eyes big and shiny.
"And you, Charlie," he chuckled again "You redeemed him! You me-damn redeemed a horrible sinner!" Pentious frowned at being called a "horrible sinner" but Charlie really didn't notice. God was... Happy about this? "Oh- I-I uhm- ah-" Charlie struggled to find a response.
"My lord," Sera said in a stern voice, causing everyone to turn to her "You... You wanted these sinners to be.... redeemed? I don't understand, they have already blown their chance, not to mention they killed Adam-"
"Shut the fuck up Sera." God said in an annoyed tone as he rolled his eyes, Charlie found it hard to hold back her gasp as Sera's eyes widened and her frown deepened. Emily, however, smiled brightly and glanced at Sir Pentious who was a bit shocked.

God turned back to Charlie "Now... My dear granddaughter, why don't you and I take a walk and chat?" He gently placed his hand on Charlie's shoulder and started to guide her out of Sera's office. "O-okay..." Charlie turned her head t see Pentious and Emily waving goodbye to her and Sera pouting in the corner.

After a few minutes of walking in the streets of heaven, a few of the "winners" coming up to God to say hi or chat with him, Charlie began to realize just how insane this was. I mean- for starters she was just casually walking next to GOD her GRANDFATHER in HEAVEN. Second of all, HE WAS HAPPY ABOUT SINNERS BEING REDEEMED?!? How come Charlie didn't get to talk to him first instead of Sera?! Like, that was some bullshit! She's a bitch!
"Sooo.... I have some.... Questions" Charlie was snapped out of her confused thoughts as she heard God speak, she turned to him to see that he was staring at her and smiling. "Hm? Oh- uh- yes... About... What?" God chuckled, Charlie seemed to have spaced out. Jeez she was a lot like Lucifer...
"Your little redemption project, of course!"
"Oh- r-right- sorry" Charlie chuckled as she took bigger steps, God was quite a bit faster than her and seemed to have no intention of slowing down.
"Uhm... well, what exactly did you want to know about?"
God thought for a moment
"Well... How I can help would be a good start..." he said with a smirk. Charlies eyes sparkled and her jaw dropped "w-wait- You want to help??" God nodded "To be perfectly honest, I wanted your father to redeem sinners eons ago, but uh... ahh... Asking Adam to deliver that message was probably not the best idea...." Charlie was stunned "So, like... You're not, like... Mad...?" God raised an eyebrow and stopped in his tracks, it took Charlie a second to realize but soon she also stopped and looked up at him.
"Why would I be mad?" he asked in a soft tone.
"Well... I-I mean... We killed Adam... And a lot of the exorcists..."
God chuckled "Well, Adam was a dick" he said matter of factly "...The first dick... literally and figuratively" God giggled at his joke and Charlie smiled at him. "So.... Are you going to tell me how I can help? Emily has told me about your current plan, and it's wonderful, buuut there's always room for improvement" Charlie nodded, a sofy expression on her face... This was going way better than she thought...

"Well, I was thinking, maybe I could teach demons at my hotel how to be... well... better? It seems what Adam had decided was enough to redeem someone did work, so we should stick with that. Maybe when they show signs of improvement they could come up here and be taught by some angels?" God pondered this for a moment "Hmm... But, will that have the same outcome as.. uhm... the snake-?"

"Yes- Pentious-... What happened before he "died" again?"
"Well, he... sacrificed himself... He was going to attack Adam but he-..." Charlie realized something "Wait a minute.... Adams holy light-! Maybe-"
"That combined with Pentious bettering himself-" God continued.
"Redeemed him!" they both said at the same time, now facing each other with wide grins.
"You might be onto something, Charlie," God said with a chuckle as he smiled down at his granddaughter "Hopefully we can redeem more sinners.... With how passionate you are about this... I... I think we can..." Charlie felt her heart swell up, her dream was finally coming true. She leaned onto God and wrapped her arms around him which caught the tall man off guard, but he was quick to hug her back.
"Thank you.... For wanting sinners to be redeemed... and... and wanting to help..." Charlie said softly.
"Of course Charlie...."
"Now... I believe you came here with someone, correct?" he asked as he broke the hug "Why don't we go find him?"

Chapter 8 end

Genuinely had no clue how to end this chapter so- yeahh.
Anyway, i have this idea that Pentious was redeemed by Adam's "holy Light" or whatever it is, I don't think he would've gotten redeemed without Adam killing him.
Also, I know a lot of people depict the HH God not wanting sinners to be redeemed but like- Silly goofy God who's a sweetheart and wants to bond with Charlie and help her though-

Again, sorry for the slow burn but I swear I'll have Alastor and lucifer interacting again soon, please just be patient.

Love y'all, thanks for reading my 3am thoughts that I turned into fanfiction.

Also, fun fact, I made a RadioApple *ADOPTED* ship child
His name is Azeal and he's a fallen angel
I love him
I dunno why his hair looks so pink right now it's supposed to be strawberry blonde whoops-

Also, fun fact, I made a RadioApple *ADOPTED* ship childHis name is Azeal and he's a fallen angelI love himI dunno why his hair looks so pink right now it's supposed to be strawberry blonde whoops-

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