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I followed quietly behind him  and I could see only silhouette of his figure. He walked into the dark house, it was all dark.. I didn't know what to pick up, so I quietly picked up the pan from table.

I have no idea how he hasn't heard me yet, but I raised the pan and smacked his head, leaving him unconscious.

He was quite heavy since he was so tall, and I was just skinny short girl. I still don't know how I managed to black him out.

My car was near , so I lay him on a backseat and locked the doors, if anything he wouldn't get away.

I started driving , and for my thinking.. that he would wake up soon,he didn't.
I parked my car outside of my house, and I dragged him into it. I walked into my secret room, And tied him up, so he wouldn't try to get away.

I sat in front of him, waiting for him to wake up.. but he was still unconscious. I thought I did something to him, so I checked his pulse, it was still beating.

When I realised he wouldn't get up anyway soon, I went to my room and laid down. The knife was next to me for self-defence if something would go wrong, since we all know, he's a famous for being most feared man in Tokyo.

I was waiting and waiting , and during that, I didn't realised how I fell asleep..

I was usually a very deep sleeper,if you bombed my house I wouldn't know.

When I woke up before I opened my eyes, I realised that sun was raising, but I knew exactly that my room is fully covered, my windows are always closed and covered with curtains.

Because this room was lightened, I quickly open my eyes and realise I was tied to the bed.

I tried to break off  the thing that was capturing me, but then I noticed him..

" how did you?..." I asked confused while he was sitting writing in front of me in the chair.

" So you kidnapped me huh?" he smirked., " I don't know what you're on about" I acted innocent, even though we both knew I did.

"Oh cut the shit Lola, we both know you kidnapped me." he got up from his chair and I started panicking of what he would do to me.

" I didn't do anything let me go, you are the one who kidnapped me!" I said right into his face, " honestly you're very smart" He told me as he leaned closer to my face that my made my heart stop.

" I am?" I asked as I realised, he knew my name.
"wait how do you know my name? I've never introduced myself." I asked confused.

" you have your ways, I have mine" his smirked.

" and by the way, I saw your secret room darling, I really liked it." he smiled..

" I have no idea what you're talking about. you have the wrong person." I said confidently, even though we both knew it didn't work.

But it still made me curious , how did he knew my name?.. after all I've never said anything to him...

Tom's POV;

She was confused, how I knew her name.. I have seen her 1000 times on my race, I have watched her how she was staring at me always. Admiring me.

But the thing is there was something that attracted me in her...

I knew I made her weak, She made me weak, too. After all, I've never fallen in love. Or should I even call it that? it's an obsession.toxic obsession..

I stared at her beautiful face, and I couldn't think of how could this angelic girl murder half of my pets.

She looked like an angel, but she was Demon inside.

The little Damon, I've always needed and I always craved.
When I Tried to get her attention, I walked into the dark room where she could get me. I know it may sound crazy, but I was talking to Bill about her, so he wouldn't harm her if she tried anything.

And as I expected, she followed me. I sensed her behind me. I knew she was close. She picked up the pan that was already placed on the table, for her to pick it up.

She smacked me in the head, she was not really strong so it didn't really blacked me out, but I had to act that way. I " blacked out" as she struggled to carry me out with her tiny body.

The whole ride she was concerned about the way, so I had my eyes opened as I looked at her..

After we went to her house, where I was the night before.. she carried me out and set me on the chair and tied me up. But the group was not strong enough, so I easily got out without making any noise.

I walked into her room, and saw how she slept so peacefully. I put my one hand under her legs and one under her back as I carefully carried her into my car that Bill has already brought.

As a sped through the cars, I heard her moving, but she was not awake... interesting how she had such a deep sleep.

I knew everything how she was killing those girls who were around me. The girls whom I called my pets.

She murdered all of them, just like yesterday when I saw the girl that was chopped up. I didn't say anything, I knew where she was hiding but I just left the bathroom.

As I went inside my room and lay her down on my bed, I looked at her precious face.. admired it.

And after a good minute I tied her up so she wouldn't try to get away....

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