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When Tom came back home, he immediately went upstairs to see Lola.

When he opened his room door, she wasn't there.
The fear take up his mind, thinking something could happen to her if she got lost. He knew that usually she was just in his room waiting for him and now she wasn't there.

He stormed downstairs where bill was and ask him. " Bill, have you seen Lola?" You could sense the fear in his words.

" she left an hour ago, I thought you knew where she was.." Bill answered Tom's question.  " I didn't!" he said, and immediately went to others to ask them where Lola was.

He burst into Gustav's room , and after Gustav and layla saw him, they immediately stopped what they were doing and jumped up.

" what's your problem, dude?" Gustav asked, annoyed. " shut the fuck up and tell me if you know where Lola is?" Tom said out of anger. " I have no idea." Gustav raised his hands.

But for Tom, something looked odd. Layla was silent and was looking at the floor.

" you." he said as he looked at Layla. " you know where she is don't you?" he asked as Layla shook her head. " I don't.." she whispered out of fear.

" I know you do know where she is,you bitch!"he stormed up to her and grabbed her by her neck.
He pulled out the gun and aimed it to her head.

" tell me where the fuck is she, or I will shoot your brains out." he sneered . " what the fuck dude let my pet go." Gustav protested. " have a problem?" Tom looked at him as he shook his head as a no and looked at the floor.

"Tom I swear, I don't know! Gustav, please help me." Layla cried out.

" oh he can't help you, you better tell me where she is or you are dead."Tom said firmly like he had done shit like these million times.

Layla was now shaking out of fear.

After Tom got his information, he ran downstairs and jumped into his car.

He was talking as he was driving, where Lola's location was. " you won't leave me,ever." he whispered.

He stopped the car , near the lake.

It was already evening, the sun was setting down and there she was... Lola.

His eyes lit up as he saw her, sitting on the small bridge that was almost to middle of the lake.it's like it was beautiful art in front of him.

Lola was sitting there, hugging her own knees, her white, beautiful dress.. She felt In peace before she heard Tom's voice. " where the fuck were you? I was so worried." he had admitted.

Lola immediately stormed up and turned around just to face her stalker, kinda.

" Leave me alone Tom, I don't want to see your face" she told him. " well that's too bad because you are coming with me." he answered as he picked her up and threw her on his shoulder. " Let me the fuck go." Lola started screaming, and hitting his back."

" You're not gonna get that, darling." he answered as he was smirking. " I hate you! Put me down!" Lola yelled as Tom's smirk turned into angry face.

He Immediately put Lola down and grabbed her by her shoulders. " you don't mean that..." he said, trying not to be violent. " I do Tom kaulitz. I really, really hate you right now!" Lola said again. " I don't believe you." Tom said as he pulled her into a kiss. Lola didn't refused and Gave in. " now tell me again that you hate me." he said, Lola kept quiet and that made him smirk again.

" now let's go home" he took Lola's arm and opened car door for her.

He started driving faster and faster every second, and for Lola, it was nothing. She already got over the fact that Tom loved fast driving and playing with his life, besides she knew that Tom would never crash into anything. So she trusted him with her life.

Tom's hand was on the steering wheel, and the other one was on Lola's thigh.

" why didn't you came back?" Lola asked out of nowhere, let me Tom confused. " I had some business." he answered shortly. " was it that much important that you had to attend?" Lola got angrier every second.

"Yes." He answered as a sign to change the subject.

"Lola?" He said after a while. "Yes?" She answered,you could sense the anger in her voice. "I'll make it up to you,I promise." He said,still trying to keep it serious.

"Will you?" She asked sarcastically. "Lola,stop that." He said strictly,she looked down at her tight and pushed his hand off of her.

"You're gonna get punished if you'll continue like this." Tom said and looked next to him.

"Whatever." Lola said. After few minutes they were in their mansion.

Lola immediately jumped out of car and started fast walking towards the house. "Lola,stop." Tom called out to her,but as a stubborn person she is,she didn't listened and continued walking.

"Lola I said stop!" He yelled and stormed up
To her,grabbing her by her shoulders before she could enter the house.

"What?!" She looked back at him. "Will you come with me to race tonight?" He asked. Lola thought it was funny, and chuckled. "You're such a joke." She said and stepped into mansion.

But Tom kept following her. "Stop turning your back on me!" He yelled at her, when Lola turned back. "I should've done that long time ago." She answered,and she knew she had every reason to be upset. "Lola,watch your pretty mouth of yours." Tom said as a warning. "Fuck off Tom Kaulitz,I hate you!" She said and attempted to leave.

"That's it!" He said and picked her up in a bridal style.

"Put me down Tom Kaulitz!" She started throwing her hands on him,but it was nothing to Tom.

"'No,you're getting punished." He answered firmly and made his way to Their room...



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