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3rd persons POV;

Tom pushed Lola off of his shoulders roughly as he pointed his gun at her head.

"Don't test me Lola.."he warned her.. "What are you gonna do Tom? Kill me?"" She asked as she looked up at him. "I'll destroy your little life." He threatened as he grabbed her and pulled her off of the ground.

They were walking to Tom's mansion already few minutes,that felt like an hour to Lola.

"Go to our room." Tom said. "Since when is.."Lola tried to refuse but quickly got yelled off.

"He thinks that he can control me?!How stupid could I be to let him kidnap me."Lola talked to herself as she was running around the room.

Suddenly the door burst open and revealed Tom making out with some girl.when he noticed Lola,he quickly pulled off.

"Could you give us some space? Maybe go to the kitchen?" Tom said.

"How dare he?"Lola thought.

But she just got up and left the room that was already filled with whore's moans.

Lola ran downstairs as she was met by Bill and some girls she never knew..and Gustav and Georg.

"Hi Lola" bill Said Like he was actually nice.

"Uhm hi?" Lola got confused. "Is this Tom's new pet?" Girl on gustav's lap said. "I'm not-" Lola said but before she could finish she got cut off by Bill.

"Tom said she is." He said shortly and got back to his job.

"I don't know what Tom said but I'm not his fucking pet." Lola said to all of them.

"Oh little girl..if he said you're his pet,then you are. It's just matter of time when he'll decide to claim you." Bill answered as it sent shivers down to Lola's spine.

Tom's room was loud and she could clearly hear all the noises That girl made. It made her jealous,so mad that she could murder her right then but no matter how powerful she was, she still wasn't even able to hurt a fly when she saw Tom.

He made her...soft. And that was something she hated about him..That she wasn't able to properly defend herself and needed to be kept from harm by someone else. And that someone else was Tom.

When she came to the realisation, Tom had already opened the door , walking out half naked. He had his upper body exposed. Lola Couldn't help but stare at him at his toned abs and trained body in the hallway.

"are you done staring?" Tom asked as he was smirking. He knew what he was doing.

Lola walked into the room without saying anything .

There she was, one of Tom sluts,who just got laid.

She shut the door before he could get in and locked it.

" Lola, what are you doing?" he asked as he tried to get in, but couldn't. Then it hit him, he knew what she was gonna do, and there was no stopping her.

"who are you?" The random girl asked. "no one yet, but soon I'm gonna be the last face you saw.."
Lola answered as she got top of her covered naked body. "no please!what are you doing?" the girl asked panicking when she realised she couldn't move. "don't worry honey, it won't hurt." Lola winked at her as she grabbed the heavy metal thing from the nightstand and smashed it on girls head..

Her brains were all out...

When she got done,she unlocked room's door as she walked out. Just to be met with Angry Tom kaulitz.

"What do you think you're doing?" He raised his voice at her and yelled at Lola right to her Face.
"I want to leave." She just simply answered. "No,you're not leaving,and Even more love,...you're coming with me now to get punished" he said as he roughly grabbed her wrists and made her follow him

"Ouch!" She screamed out of pain,since it was a lot harder squeeze than it was supposed to be.

Tom grabbed her and threw her into the random guests room,as Lola fell on the floor.

He got top of her,breathing in crook of her neck. Lola was getting more and more nervous as she felt something hard pressing against her thigh.

"Tom..no!" She yelled out as she realised what he was going to do. "Please don't!" She yelled at him but Tom grabbed both of her arms and pinned them together above her head.

She was struggling to move but also was pleased how he touched her.

She wanted it bad but she was not ready yet.

"Didn't she begged you like how you're begging me to stop?" He asked amused,knowing that was just the reason but the real reason was that he wanted to claim her,so no one else would,ever.

"I'm sorry,please let go!"Lola cried out,and for her thinking he wouldn't let go...he did.

After minute Lola heard things crushing down on the floor. "What the fuck is wrong with me!"he was raging around the room and hitting his head like he was some psycho.

"Why did I stopped?!I've never stopped with the others?!she is not special!"he kept yelling to himself as Lola was sitting in corner and hugging herself.

Trying to calm down after her little panic attack,
In two minutes she almost got raped and now she's listening to toms outburst of why he didn't raped her.

She just stood there as he was destroying everything in the room to keep the anger out.


Hey y'all I hope you like it and btw feel free to vote Lol

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