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Lola's POV;

It's been a few days, Tom and I didn't talk too much after that accident, pretty much, I just stayed in his room doing absolutely nothing. Sometimes you would come into the room, but mostly he used to sleep in the guest room.

He acted different , not the raging cruel gang leader, as I thought he really was.

After all, I get him, and he gets me since we both have murdered thousands of people. but we've never talked about it before and didn't really try to understand each other since I know all that by stalking him.

I'm laying in the bed as Tom  opened the door and looked at me straight in the eyes.

" is there something wrong?" I asked him. "get ready and follow me." he answered me shortly and left the room straight away. I couldn't even got chance to ask him anything.

I got up and got ready and went outside where Tom was waiting for me in the car. I got in since he was already sitting in the drivers seat. " where are we going?" I asked him, but he didn't bothered to tell me.

" you'll see." he said rudely and just drove off.

Finally, we got to the place , the place that I had recognise it. It was my house.

" what are we doing here?" I asked as he turned his head to me. " you wanted to leave didn't you?" he asked back. I was stunned I didn't thought about that question for a long time now and now I didn't knew the answer. Did I wanted to leave Tom?
After all, he's been my obsession for such a long time, and when I got chance to live with him... should I blow it off?

I got into my thoughts, and didn't realise that Tom was calling out my name.

"Lola?!" Tom was looking at me, and now he was leaned in, so he was close to my face.

" I guess so." I just realised that if you wanted me to stay, he would not let me leave and wouldn't brought me to my house.

So I got out from his car and didn't even say goodbye.. I just got into my house using my keys.

When I walked in, I felt familiar presence, I've missed this house. My tiny cottage that wasn't as big as Tom's castle. It was so comfortable for me. Small, beautiful house with a little garden. It was enough for me.

I noticed that Tom had left, and it made me actually angry.. why would he just kidnap me tell me that I'm his pet and then abandoned me back to my house. It didn't even make sense.

He probably found some girl that he likes or whatever...

There is no other explanation for this.

The truth is, I'm so obsessed with him, and I love him.
Why did I fell for such a monster, even though I'm no good than him.
Tom Kaulitz's POV;

I needed her in my life, when I finally brought her into my house, I've never felt so calm, and Harmonical in my life. There was something like she was calming me and making me feel something.

How could she fall in love with the monster like me?

I knew she wasn't angel of roll. She was just like me killing people and everything, but she still had something so angelic in her. I can't explain it fully.

But after a few days that I brought her to my house, I had to let her go, that day when I got back to house I was in the meeting with another gang..

And the gang leader, Tristan.. somehow knew about Lola.. I couldn't get her to get hurt so I let her go. Her house was safest place since he didn't knew much about Lola. He only knew she was the one that hold my heart.

Soon, the war was about to start and I couldn't risk her life. But when the war won as we always do. She will come back to me.  I'll make sure of this.

I have no idea what she feels right now, and my head is also really big mess. she just made me soft and I didn't like it.

Somehow, I also hated it that I wasn't with her. I don't know what has gotten into me. I was a heartless monster,I couldn't love anyone. The only reason why I had a woman all over me was because I just had one night stand with all of them, not any other reason for a minute 

But now it was time for me for let her go for good. Even though we've  just started being together. Soon we will be back....

And when I'm done with Tristan. Nothing will stop me to go to her.

𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖑𝖐𝖊𝖗 𝖝 𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖑𝖐𝖊𝖗Where stories live. Discover now