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what if i forget my lines and lose all my composure?

THE FINAL LEG OF THE TRIP to Naboo was tenuous to say the least. After Regina caught up on much needed rest, she rejoined Skywalker and Padmé, who were seated at the table, with R2-D2 accompanying the duo. Oddly enough, as soon as they caught sight of her, both stopped speaking, just as they had done the first time. Regina had a feeling she knew what they were talking about, but she also had a feeling that it was tied to the terrible future that loomed directly ahead of them, distracting her thoughts. She would find out about both things in time, she had no doubt.

The Force was telling her that much.

So she simply sat down in the third seat without a word to either of them, deep in thought. In fact, she was so deep in her mind that she hardly noticed Skywalker rise to his feet, saying that he was going to take a nap of his own.

But as soon as he was gone, she snapped out of her trance.

"Regina, I'm sure you want to know what Ani and I were discussing," Padmé said quietly as soon as Skywalker was out of earshot. The Senator had a very intent look on her beautiful face, one full of concern about Regina.

Regina looked at her calmly, wondering how to approach this.

"I know that it isn't my place to say anything, but I want you to know that Anakin cares about you very much," Padmé went on carefully.

Regina tried not to hear the Senator's words let alone think about them. She couldn't.

"Attachment is forbidden," Regina said absentmindedly, not realizing that she was speaking aloud or that she was actually talking to Padmé. These were the very thoughts confronting her, what she kept going back and forth between.

And Padme voicing her opinions to her face made her mind just go all over the place.

"I understand, Regina," Padmé nodded sympathetically. "Anakin explained it to me. But am I wrong to assume that you do, in fact, care for him?" Padmé scanned Regina's face carefully, obviously not trying to cross boundaries. She and Regina didn't know each other particularly well, but Regina could see that the Senator was only trying to help.

"He's the closest I have to a friend," Regina admitted. She hated to say it aloud to herself, hated the words. It meant admitting herself that she was over their rivalry, that she really did value him and forgave him for their animosity in the past. It meant the end of an era, and the beginning of a new one... One that the Force had showed her pieces of. One that meant disaster...

"I want you to know that I value you and your opinions, Regina," Padmé said, changing the subject. Regina was relieved for the turn of topics and she knew that Padmé had clearly seen her discomfort with the original discussion. "And I was wondering if you would provide your counsel on this trip?"

Regina tilted her head.

"I thought that the role was to be filled by myself and Skywalker?" she reasoned. Padmé shrugged.

"Knowing Ani, he's not really the kind of person to give sound insight on strategic matters," Padmé answered with a soft smile, obviously saying these things out of respect rather than animosity. "Which is why I am offering you the position, Regina. I value your opinion and would like to entertain your ideas on situations that may arise while we are on Naboo."

Regina was overwhelmed with pride—an emotion she knew she shouldn't be feeling— as it welled inside of her. To be asked to be an advisor, no matter how temporary the position would be—to Padmé Amidala... It was an honor. And it was true that she and Skywalker had been sent by the Council to advise and protect Padmé, but that was beside the point.

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