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i'm standing here with you, just tryin' to be honest.

"I TAKE IT YOU BOTH FOUND the overlook?" Padmé questioned as Regina and Skywalker stepped into the sitting room where the Senator was lounging, a book spread across her lap.

Regina let Skywalker begin a conversation with the Senator as they seated themselves. Looking around, Regina was still taken aback by the simple splendor of the mansion; it was simple yet elegant, even in a sitting room as small as this.

That wasn't the only thing keeping Regina quiet, though. She was up in her head, rationalizing the entire situation that had just occurred between herself and her former rival. She was trying to figure how she had let it happen and how she could prevent future incidents.

If she was even capable of that.

Regina and Skywalker arranged themselves on the chairs available. Skywalker was seated beside Padmé. Meanwhile, Regina across from Skywalker in an armchair.

As the two carried on the conversation, Regina found herself falling deeper and deeper into thought. In fact, she hardly noticed when Skywalker spoke her name.

"Sitara!" he called, gazing at her with a slightly concerned expression. He must have been trying to get her attention for a while.

She didn't say anything but jerked her head in Skywalker's direction, showing him that she was listening.

"Padméwas just saying how nice some of the meadows are around here. She suggested that we go on a picnic for lunch."

Regina glanced at him sharply, wondering what he meant by "we."

"I haven't been to the pastures in so long," Padmé said with a smile that comforted Regina immediately. "It would be good to go out there again."

Regina couldn't go. She couldn't be around him. Not until she had time to think, to rationalize this entire situation.

"I'm not feeling particularly well," she said slowly. "You two should go, though." She gave them a smile, hoping they wouldn't ask questions.

Skywalker shot her a concerned look but didn't say anything. Regina felt a sickening feeling that he knew what she was thinking: she was avoiding him.

"Are you sure that you aren't sick?" Padmé questioned, slightly looking alarmed and worried.

"I'm just exhausted," Regina tried to assure her. "I haven't been sleeping well." Which was true. Skywalker wouldn't meet her eyes.

"We could wait until you've caught up," Padmé resolved. She seemed genuinely concerned about Regina. "Anakin and I can do something else while you get some rest."

"It's okay. Really, Padmé. You deserve to do something that you want."


Padmé looked at Regina right in the eyes, imploringly. Regina put all the meaning she could into the look. Please. Padmé got the message.

"Alright, Anakin and I will go," Padmé sighed. "But we will go again when you're feeling better." She shot Regina a look that said "We'll talk later" and Regina had no doubt that they would.

Together, Skywalker and Padmé rose to their feet.

"You're sure you're feeling well, Sitara?" her rival questioned, taking her in with a measuring yet determined look. Regina knew he was plotting something, and she had a feeling that it involved asking Padmé for advice. Maybe she should go after all to ensure...

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