Chapter 2- Where Am I?

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Levv was tossed out of the portal and landed hard on the ground against a rock. The portal closed as soon as he got out of it. Levv got up, his hands bleeding and his head feeling heavy from the impact. His eyes only saw the bright light from the portal, it was extremely bright and it all happened so fast too. He rubbed his eyes, but it was still quite foggy, even so, he still picked his head up, remembering Kiki was still in his book bag. He started to get worried and realized his book bag wasn't on him. He looked around frantically and walked around. He was still dizzy and stumbled around a little. He fell down and caught himself on a large rock. He decided to sit back down to catch his breath, he looked around and saw his bag lying a few feet away from him.

He dragged himself slowly over to it. The bag was still half open, he grabbed it and opened the rest panicking, luckily he found her inside curled up safely. He took her out, held her in his arms and comforted her for a while and continued to call out for Kadence. "KADENCE!! KADENCE!!" He looked up, seeing it was night now. "But how? It hasn't even been past nine yet." He thought. He looked around some more. He was stuck in a deep hole in the ground. He got up slowly, picking up his book bag with him. He picked up Kiki and held her in his arms for safety. He started walking up to the wall of the hole, calling for Kadence again. "KADENCE!! PLEASE WHERE ARE YOU?!!" He got to the wall and started to put his things up on a rock to try and climb it, first Kiki then his bookbag. He put his leg up on the rock, but before he could pull himself up he heard a faint noise behind him.

He turned quickly to see what it was, but he didn't see anything due to how dark it was.

"Ka- Kadence?" He said.

There was no response . . .

He stared into the darkness for a minute, then slowly turned around again to try and get up, being a bit faster than he was before. Just then Kiki perked her ears up and turned towards the darkness behind Levv. She stood in a defensive pose and quickly started barking and growling into the darkness, this time Levv knew something was definitely there. He turned around again, this time he saw two small white pupils staring back at him. He was scared this time. He backed away, not taking his eyes off of that thing. He reached back into his pocket and pulled out his phone. He quickly opened his phone and turned on the flashlight.

Then he saw it.

It was the figure of something, it looked like a shadow of a person crouching on the ground, but it wasn't a person; it had horns, and a tail. It didn't blink or talk, it just . . . . sat here . . . staring . . . .

He backed away to the wall again, slowly grabbing Kiki and pulling out an empty metal water bottle he had before and threw it directly at its head. He threw it hard and made sure it hurt. "AH!" It responded, rubbing its head. Levv came closer, with his flashlight, seeing it was a boy, a very pretty boy with horns with a gold chain on one of them. The way he crouched, and the way he snuck up on him was the only thing actually unsettling about him. But his eyes . . . His eyes were what scared Levv the most, they were so . . . Unnatural . . .

They were a mix of red, yellow, and orange. No type of eyes a normal human would have . . . . Levv made sure to be cautious of him, just in case. The boy rubbed his head, holding the water bottle and looked up towards him. He looked up in wonder at his phone flashlight tilting his head slightly and gasping in wonder at him. His eyes glowed like stars in the phone light. "WOW!" He said, moving sideways towards the phone, "A tiny light!" He said, whispering to himself, slowly creasing the phone with one finger. He continued to stare at it as Levv watched in confusion. The boy was paying too much attention to the phone light to even notice Levv behind it. Levv turned off the flashlight, startling the boy as he jerked backwards, his eyes got even wider and he tilted his head even more, with a little smile on his face. He stared at Levv looking at him up and down. Levv backed away a little, noticing him coming close.

"WOW!" He said again. " WHO ARE YOU?" He said standing up quickly. He startled Levv and he backed away, due to how tall he was compared to him. He came closer, examining Levv's pink dyed hair. He lifted up his bangs with his hand and looked closely into his eyes, tilting his head and looking him up and down. "YOU LOOK LIKE ME!" He jumped in excitement. "I have never seen someone that has looked like me before!" Levv smiled back at him awkwardly, "H- Hi." Levv said, waving back at him. "Why are you so close, I don't even know you." The boy looked at him for a moment. "Sorry, usually things run away before I can say hi." And he smiled at Levv. "You know, you are the first thing that hasn't run from me, and I like you already!"

Levv felt very uncomfortable, due to just meeting him. He was quite dirty and he didn't have any respect or simple knowledge of personal space either. Levv calmed down a little and decided to just be nice to him. "So . . . uhh what are you doing down here?" "OH! Down here?! I LIVE HERE!" He said, jumping again. "Soo, umm . . . you're not going to hurt me are you?" Levv said slowly, stepping back and picking up his water bottle.

"OH, no no no no no . . . NO." The boy said back, "I would never hurt a friend." He said, smiling again.

"What are you?" Levv said, backing up a little. "Oh me, I don't know what I am . . ." The boy said. Levv looked at him confused. "Umm, anyway you know a way out of here?" Levv said, looking up. " Oh, you can't get out of here, I've tried; failed. You have to take a pretty long walk to actually get out. But you're definitely not getting out of her by climbing that wall." The boy said, still smiling at him. "Oh . . . Levv said, looking back. Kiki was still standing on the rock Levv put her on and she climbed down. She walked up to Levv's leg and then walked up to the boy sniffing him. "WOW!" He said again. "WHAT IS THAT?" He said, pointing at her. "It's my dog." Levv said, taking her out of the bag. She sniffed his fingers and licked them a little. The boy aggressively stroked her head and she barked at the boy multiple times before he backed away. "Oh- I don't think it likes me." He said, going into his crouched position again.

Lucifer looked up at Levv, "What are you?" Levv looked down at him. "I'm human, what do you mean, what am I?" Lucifer looked up and pointed. "I saw a bright light and then you appeared all the sudden, I've never seen anything like that before . . ." Levv looked over while rubbing his head. "I- I actually don't know how it happened either." Levv started to tear up a little, but he held it in. "I'm not supposed to be here. I'm looking for someone important, my friend . . . We got separated . . . You- have seen him, right?" Lucifer looked up at Levv. "No, only you . . ."

Levv started to wipe his face, due to the tears starting to pile up. "Umm, do you have any place I could stay for the night down here? It's cold.'' Levv said, clutching his bag. ''Sure I do!" The boy said. " Don't worry, you can stay with me for tonight!" "Really?!" Levv said. "Yeah!" The boy said, leading him. He continued to slowly get up and motioned Levv to start following him, they walked through many bushes and weeds, climbed over some rocks and squeezed through small spaces. Until they finally made it to a small hole with vines covering the font. " OK! THIS IS IT! " The boy said excitedly. They walked in and he was greeted with a very odd looking home, or rather not evena home at all. It was just a big hole in some rocks with the floor made of dirt and one little bed made of leaves and sticks. And there were little mice and squirrels that ran when they saw them.

"Ok, make yourself comfortable!" "Umm, thank you." Levv said back. He opened his book bag and pulled out a blanket from it. He spread it on the floor. " Welp, " Better than nothing he said quietly. They boy continued to walk onto the roof and hang upside down on a loose branch on the top of the little cave. He looked down at Levv, cuddling his dog. "Umm, hey . . ." The boy said, "What's your name?" "Me?, Oh . . . Levv." "That's a weird name . . ." The boy said. Levv looked at him. " What about you? " "Oh . . . I don't have one . . . ." He said, looking down." "Really!? " Levv said, looking at him in shock. "Yeah," he said. "BUT! YOU CAN GIVE ME A NAME!" He said, coming back down. ''Umm . . . sure . . . uhh . . . how about . . .'' Levv looked up at his horns. ''Oh I know! How about Lucifer?" "Lucifer! Oh I like that! Uhh what does it mean?" He said. "Uhh don't worry about that, besides I think it suits you very well anyway. "Lucifer climbed back up onto the top of his cave hanging upside down again. "Well goodnight Levv!"

"Goodnight." He said, pulling out his phone.

He didn't have any internet. He couldn't call him. He couldn't text him. The only thing that seemed to work were his photos. He opened photos and looked at them all, he was looking at pictures of him, Kadence, and his parents. When they were all together. When they were all happy. He looked through them and he started to get emotional, but he didn't want to cry in front of Lucifer. He kept to himself instead. Quietly watching videos of them together, he missed him. He missed him a lot, falling asleep next to his phone, wishing he was at least with Kadence.

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