Chapter 5- Levv Is A Princess

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Levv walked along with Lucifer and Kiki. They followed them up many stairs and hallways, stopping at a large door. There were guards that opened the doors for them, and they were greeted with an astonishing looking room.

The room was huge and seemed to go on forever, there were fancy chandeliers and lots of clear windows to the outside. It looked almost as if it was heaven. Levv looked up at the birds inside, they weren't like normal birds, they too looked fancy as if it was almost fake. They flew with grace and landed again flawlessly. There were also squirrels and small mice looking down at them. They too seemed interested in what they were doing. Levv looked back down to see two flying women, they had wing's that of a dragonfly, they were fairies. They flew down gracefully like the birds and welcomed them with warm smiles. "Good morning David; Mrs. Chattam, and who is this?" "This is the new student we wanted to bring to you."

"New student?" They asked. "Well, she's not from here." David looked back at Levv. "Would you like to tell them," he said, motioning Levv to step up. "Umm, I'm looking for my friend. We aren't from here like he said. I got separated from them when I came here." "Mhm." One of the women nodded. "I see . . . don't worry. What does your friend look like?" They asked. "He looked quite like me, he had the same type of shoes and clothes as me. Something no one else around here wears. He also has a dog like me. She is bigger though and black in color. He always has her around him. And his hair, his hair was a very light beige color. His eyes, they- they were light blue too." Levv started to tear up a little and Lucifer went to comfort him.

Kiki noticed too and licked his face. "Don't worry Levv. We will send people to find him . . . do you know where you saw him last." Levv thought for a moment trying to think of a way to describe that hole Lucifer and him were in. "Yes." Levv turned around suprised, Lucifer walked up to them. "Levv saw him last down in the forest. There is a hole somewhere around there. We- we don't know if you will find him there." "Maybe, but until then, you both can stay here until we fix the situation." Levv wiped his tears. "Thank you." They bent down towards Levv. "But please, cheer up. We want you and every prince and princess in these halls to be happy. We will provide you what you need. We will have new clothes for you both later." Levv smiled. "Now David, please escort them to one of our empty rooms please." "Yes ma'am." He said. Leading Levv and Lucifer out of the room.

"Levv was her name right?" One of the headmistresses said. "Hmm, interesting name for a girl . . ." One of the others whispered.

The butler walked them up very fine stairways, and passed gorgeous rooms, until they got to an empty one. "You can stay here for now with your friend, there's lots of room, so make yourselves comfortable.'' Levv walked inside the room along with Lucifer, admiring all the fancy beds and the open windows, with a perfect view of the outside. The roof was also decorated with plants like small trees and flowers, bathing in sunlight. "Oh wow, I love this room already!" Lucifer said. "Lucifer, would you like to move to the boys room instead?" The butler asked. "No, I want to stay here with Levv actually." "If you say so." The butler continued to show them around the room and everything he needed to know, like how to call for service or how to use things.

The butler finished showing them around and went to leave. "Oh, and Levv . . . I hope you find great hospitality here as one of our students." He said, leaving the room. Lucifer instantly ran over to one of the branches on the roof and hung upside down against the wall. "At least he seems to be enjoying himself," Levv thought, still looking around. Levv walked over to the bed and flopped on it. He was glad to finally be able to sleep on a normal bed again. He looked up at the top of his bed and it was surrounded by see-through curtains that calmed him. He seemed to stare for hours, until he dozed off.

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