Chapter-1: A Void of Life

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Age of Gods; although it is the period of time when only the Gods resided in the lands, nowadays is a meeting between them. Gods, the seven Gods, are known to have existed since the beginning of time, or heck! they, supposedly, have created time itself.

Born out of pure chaos and nothingness, these seven Gods represent all the virtues and curses of the known world. Fathering several races which are present in the world, they are said to be supreme deities. They each govern different parts of the world and maintain a Power Balance.

A Power Balance is necessary, the God race whose power is unimaginable often tend to cause natural calamities if the Power Balance is left unchecked. The Seven Gods are siblings and tend to remain neutral towards each other.

But what happens when this Power Balance is destroyed when one innocent lady falls on top of a sleeping man? Well, let's see... it's a long story so let's begin quickly.

She ran and ran, drops of tears flying in every direction. After a certain while when she couldn't go any further due to a dead end, she carefully looked down at the massive void inside the recently discovered ruins.

Nobody wanted to explore the ruins, after all, the ruins were profoundly dangerous; but who knew that the entire ruins would be hollow from within, leaving nothing but a never-ending pit which looked like Hell from above? People tried to find a bottom but instead found a bottomless undiscoverable pit. The ruins were supposedly from the Age of Gods but they had no value if they could not be discovered.

The girl looked down the pit and wondered if jumping down and dying would be the best choice for her. The ruins were not well-lit and the entire place was humid and damp.

The teardrops, now accumulated on her chin started falling drop by drop. Every time a tear fell down the only thing she could think was to jump, she didn't want to live in such a world. She did everything she could to survive, to remain alive so that she could meet her one day. But every hope of hers vanished today, how could she ever live? She wanted to jump, she should jump, jump, jump, jump......

She stood up steeling her resolve, and with everything she had left, she jumped.

Time slowed down, and the fall which should have lasted for seconds, felt like days and months were passing by. She saw vividly, in the void of pure darkness, her father. He was smiling, she wondered when was the last he smiled like that.

She remembered everything, every moment of bliss she had with her father, her sister, and everyone else. Then her thoughts focused on what had happened.

All of a sudden, a knight burst into the palace, out of breath he started to fumble his words, 'Your Majesty! They are coming faithful, they are coming with an army of thousands. We cannot win.'

With a single sentence, her entire life turned around. Everything started to rush. Her father busted into her room and said her to run away with her sister using the secret passages and take a few knights with her. She ran away abiding by her father's words but soon found herself separated from others.

It had been days since then, four to be exact, she was starving. Finding a stream, she had water but without food, she was starving to death. She had then entered the abandoned ruins this morning, and after looking at the void for hours she decided she was a burden and sought to take her own life. The name of her father will not be sullied as no one would ever find her body deep down.

'Sorry, Father. Sorry.... for everything.'

She saw the end of the void as she fell and fell, she couldn't believe her own eyes, she saw death.......

A Lone Man's Path: Powerful Enough to FallWhere stories live. Discover now