Chapter 11: Affinity to War

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'I think this discuss requires closure now.', Drake continued, 'I'm not worth the trouble, if anything, please allow me to stay in the castle for two more nights before I leave. I think staying in the city would attract too much attention.'

The King was still shocked after this declaration, 'That goes without saying, but are you sure you want nothing more? What you did back then, even if we empty our treasury we cannot repay you back, are you truly fine leaving like this?'

The same thing, Leika was also wanting to ask.

'Yes, it would be in everybody's best interests, you can spread whatever story you want to say to the people. I would be content as long as everyone was safe. Moreover, this discussion should purely be based on finding Princess Ragna.'

Leika hadn't considered that. This guy was seriously good, he shifted the entire conversation south and no one even questioned that.

'But... I guess arguing won't do any good. But as the King of this country I, Romust Brisel, grant you any one wish you ask for, as long as it is within my power, I will utilize everything I have to fulfil it.'

'You honor me, Your Majesty.', he mini-bowed again, 'But nothing of the sort is in my mind right at the moment, while staying here, if anything comes, I shall ask.'

'Yes, please do so.', her father said and went back to his seat.

'Now then, we will take our leave.', he took Leika's hand and they left the room. Few grumbled when he took Leika's hand, but no one objected the one who was now under the King's protection.

The council continued as he let go of her hand and closed the huge doors.

'Ah.', he scowled slowly rubbing his jaws, 'All that formal speak makes my jaw hurt.'

'I knew it. It wasn't normal for you, was it?', she asked.

'Of course not.', he gestured her to walk forward, 'I have never done something so tiring in my life.'

"From the looks of it, you sounded very professional.', she took slow steps.

'No, not at all, it's just that I learn fast.', he replied relaxing his neck.

'So why did you bring me out too? I wanted to join the discussion about sister.'

'There is no point in you joining, you can't be of any use there.'

'That's rude.', she nudged him in the gut.

'Ouch, but that's the truth. They will now discuss about sending troop and stuff into the forest. It will get boring, unless news comes from the other side there's no use doing anything, but just in case.'

'What do you mean when you say other side?'

'Please no more questions.', he begged, his hands closed.

'Fine, I won't.', she gave up. There was no point.

'So, who was that woman? She dislikes me a lot.'

'I don't think that's the case, she just wants things to be fair, that's all.'

'Fair, huh.', he sighed, 'That's fine then. Before you came, she drilled holes in me with words. Thank goodness patience is one of my virtues.'

She laughed at that, 'Poor you.... will you really not tell me your name?', her voice turned serious mid-way.

'I don't.... oh well.', he exasperated, 'I guess I have no choice, but it is true when I say I do not have a name?'

'Just what kind of life did you live until now?'

'A bit here and there.'

She doubted anything in this guy's life was here and there. He continued, 'So I will give you the pleasure of naming me right here and now.'

That stopped Leika in her tracks, 'Really... like are you serious here?'

'I was thinking of being un-named forever but you will just kill me with your questions, so yeah, please do the honors.', he said and smiled.

'I have never named anyone.', she gave it a thought.

'Really, you never had a sibling or cousin you named?', he asked.

'And you are talking like you have experience.', she had no recollection of who she was before getting adopted by the King and there were no further births in the royal family as the former Queen was still missing, so the answer to that would unfortunately be, no.

'Well, in fact I do have some experience.', he said which surprised her even more.

'You say you have siblings who were named and on the other hand you were not?'

'To put it bluntly, yes. Certain situations arose and I had to name all my nine brothers and sisters.'

'Nine.... that's an absurd number, like even Driomes don't have this big families as far as I have heard. Not unless.... you belong to the royal family.'

This was bad, has she been casually walking around with one of the Driome royals, the highest in the land? If that was true, things would make sense-

'What? No, not at all. Me, a royal blood, have you forgotten where and in what condition you found me? Do you think someone from a royal bloodline would be there? Believe me.', he laughed it off.

If he was not, then that meant for a heavy sigh, she was super stressed for a moment there.

'Well, there are things that happen without other's noticing.', he moved his hands here and there.

'So, are you confirming you are a Driome?', one conclusion, just any one piece of information, that completely states that he was not plotting something against Humans, would satisfy Leika.

'When did I say that? What I said was, don't be too dependent on what you know... observe and understand. The more you take things the way they have been written, the more you will be pulled away from reality.', despite his smile, the things he said were not jokes but reality and experience.

'So, any names?', he stopped walking and looked at her.

Leika too stopped, 'Does.... Drake sound good?'

'Hmm, true that it could go with me but why Drake? Is it preferential?'

'Exactly because there is no meaning to the name. it's not formed from a book, or words jumbled together or anything of the sort. It's just sort of came to me.'

'DrakeChaos, huh. A good name indeed.', he said to himself and smiled. 

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