Chapter 7: Victory of No Grounds

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No time to ponder, as the smoke was starting to clear out, she ran towards her opponent, who was still lying down cold, still confused. He looked so bad; she could have sympathized with him.

As she stood on top of him, she had already won, but a certain anger took over her. There were no such rules that you couldn't kill. Her anger took better of her, she wanted to stab this man, she wanted to end this race inferiority, she clenched her teeth and raised her sword on top of him. He had already let go of his sword. But she didn't want to stop. It was as if she had lost reason.

She brought down the straight down to gut the guy, but there it was again, the gentle grip. Her sword did not move, as it was caught mid-way with just two fingers by someone. She had felt this kindness earlier this morning too, it was the very same hand which had stopped her own knife from killing her.

'Anger is the source of one's ego and it is everything bad someone has. Learn to control it.', he said, 'It's over!'

He announced, 'Princess Leika has won the battle, her wish shall prevail! hoho, the party's over, folks.'

He helped Urie get up, 'I got big headed, thinking I had more magic than you, but I never thought Humans could use magic up to this extent.'

'Hmm, you can call it a miracle of God or something, you know.', the white-haired weird dude laughed.

'I accept my loss, I will head back now, but this will be not the end of it.', he said and left to talk to the army of thousands who were astonished.

Leika was still standing there in the same position with sword in her hands. She couldn't believe it; in her anger she was going to kill someone when he was already disarmed and she had already won.

'What happened?', he asked kneeling down and looking at her in the eye.

'I.... I... was going... to kill someone.', she stuttered.

'Yes, you were, while you fought brilliant, you won because you managed to shock your opponent, next time such things won't happen. And I understand, you are a doctor, you are used to save lives not take them. The shock is unavoidable.'

It made sense but Leika was beyond senses. She started to cry and pounded the chest of that guy. He hugged her to suppress her.

'It's fine now, you saved people.'

'But I was going to.... '

'In time you will understand things about life and death. Meanwhile, let's go to your father, he was beyond scared too.'

Even though she had realized that, she still didn't want to leave his embrace, it was warming and calming. She pulled out and he guided her to her father who was standing there. While she was crying, white-hairs had already bandaged her wounded arm with his clothes.

'Leika, my daughter.', her father hugged her, 'I thought you were going to... '

'I am not.', she smiled.

'Thank the Gods.', he said and looked towards the smile, 'But I never knew you could use such magic.'

'Me too.', she muttered and looked at white-hairs who was rolling his eyes and looking elsewhere.

Just what was with this guy, he wasn't biased, he made both of them fight as equals. Did he give her magic? Then that would make him a Driome, the highest race in the rankings.

She couldn't think beyond that, she would have to shatter the order of nature to think beyond that. She was scared of him, but he was warm, not rude. She could make do with this and she also had her one question, she would make good use of it.

She walked to him as her father went to organize the happy crowd, who were celebrating their victory.

Urie came to him and said, 'Sir may I get a name? or anything that would explain who you are?'

'I have come to respect you, young boy, but I stand by my words, I don't have a name.', he repeated those words.

'Fine then, I will be reporting everything that happened to my King, he would later inform you about settling things.'

'Yes, please.', Leika said, 'And please take the remains of Sir Eriot.'

'Thank you, mam. Next time we fight, I will be cautious.'

It was first time, Urie had smiled. It meant one thing; she had been acknowledged for the first time in her life.

'I will win.', she said.

'And wait young boy, I have something for you.', white-hairs said.


The entire army of the remaining soldiers were gathered behind Urie, ready to take their leave.

'Take this.', he ripped a piece of cloth from his red and battered clothes and gave it to Urie, who took it with a puzzled look.

'What might this be?', he asked.

'Give it to- uh what was the name? uh- ', he scratched his head, 'Ah, give it to Aarin.'

A moment of silence and then, 'Wh- what?', this was the first time Urie had lost balance. Couldn't blame him, Leika lost her balance too and so did few of the soldiers behind Urie who heard the name.

'Idiot, do you know what you are talking about?', Leika questioned.

'Yes.', he said with an innocent smile, 'Aarin, wasn't it? Did she change her name or something?'

'No, but that's the name of a God, you idiot. You don't speak the names of Gods without an honorific. And what do you mean give it to her?', Leika scolded.

'Yes, yes, I can't talk to a God like she's my friend and this battered piece of cloth of all things.', Urie was scared here.

'No good, huh.', he sighed, 'Fine, you should go now.'

'Ye... yes. I will take my leave now.', Leika wouldn't be surprised if the only thing he thought of now, was to run.

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