budgets and sponsors

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"yo, did you guys see her skirt today? i think i even saw her panties."

"tch. that's nothing. i actually the whole thing when i was climbing the stairs behind her."

"you guys can talk about her ass all you want, but have you seen her boobs. i heard one of the buttons on her shirt popped once just because she leaned forward."

these kinds of mindless gossip wasn't uncommon to yamashiro kamine. after she turned fifteen, she learned that her life would be easier if she just ignored those of the lower class.

she trudged through the crowded hallways, watching as the students part like the red sea to let her pass through. she knew it wasn't because they respected her. it was more because she had come to perfect what people would call her 'resting bitch face'.

her face was set in a constant scowl, glaring at any poor soul who crossed her path. if looks could kill, anyone who was unfortunate enough to make eye contact with her would've been buried six feet under.

the sound of her shoes clacking against the floor resounded through the now empty hallway as the students finally finish their day. but she was far from finished.

just as she was half a step away from the student council meeting room, she gets body-slammed wwe style. with a small yelp, she finds her small form getting propelled backwards, her fingers grazing against the doorframe before she's soon plummeting towards the ground.

she clenches her eyes shut, bracing herself to faceplant into the floor. suddenly, she feels something snake around her waist, letting out a small 'oomph' as she's lifted off the ground.

"oh! madam president! just the person i was looking for!" she feels the person's other arm hold her at her waist, lifting her up to his height as if she was a toddler asking for 'upsies'.

"you?! how many times do i have to tell you, you're not allowed to go into the meeting room without permission!" kamine snaps as she comes face to face with the obnoxious person that is oikawa tooru. "and put me down!"

oikawa chuckles softly and gently lowers her to the ground, waiting for a moment as he watches her brush off the nonexistent dust off her skirt. "oh come on, ms. president. it hurts my neck to look down at you all the time. i mean, you're so tiny."

he makes the fatal mistake of reaching forward to affectionately tug at one of her flushed cheeks, watching her eye twitch in annoyance.

"oikawa..." she growls in a warning, her hands balling into fists.

oikawa finally holds up his hands in surrender, following after her as she walks into the student council room.

"what do you want this time? why're you here?"

"i wanted to talk about the transportation arrangements you guys made for our club. the buses we need for our away games... which are practically nonexistent."

kamine sighs tiredly, rubbing the bridge of her nose. "oikawa, your club already used up your budget for this month. and i'm not sure we can raise enough money for the transportation on such short notice."

"then? you're just gonna make us-"

"look, maybe you guys could work on finding a sponsor. or maybe try crowdfunding. your budget will be renewed for the next semester. until then, you guys are gonna have to find another way. you guys aren't the only club in this school, you know?"

oikawa sighs and takes a seat where she'd normally be sitting. "the student council is pretty useless then. what're you guys even using the money for?"

kamine narrows her eyes at him. "what're you insinuating, oikawa?"

"i mean, think about it. we're supposed to have 300,000 yen per year. where's all this money going?" oikawa shrieks as he suddenly sees a hand slam down right next to his head as he was laying on the desk.

he shakily looks up to see kamine glaring down at him, her eyes darkened menacingly. "listen here, oikawa. you guys requested at the start of the school year that we provide high-quality equipment, specialized coaching, training camps and travel expenses for you guys to fucking run around the whole prefecture. i warned you before that you'd run out, but no. none of you third years listened to me and now it finally came back to bite you in the ass. so don't blame this on me, oikawa. because i'll- what are you staring at?!"

kamine shouts in frustration as she sees oikawa get distracted by something, an unreadable expression on his face as he looks up at you, still seated in your chair. "god... you're so hot when you're mad."

kamine slaps both her palms onto her face, screaming into her hands before she takes a deep breath to compose herself. "i've an idea on who might be interested in sponsoring you guys, so don't bother me anymore. i'll have the buses ready in two days. now get the fuck out. i've a headache because of you."

oikawa grins and stands up, engulfing the smaller girl in a tight, bear hug before he quickly gets out of the student council room.

as he walks down the empty hallway with a small smile on his face, he couldn't help the stirring he felt in his pants. he looks down to see his erection bulging out, threatening to rip his sweatpants at the seams.

he breathes out shakily and runs his fingers through his soft, brown locks. "fuck, she turns me on so much. i want her to yell at me more." he whispers to himself, turning around to make his way into the boys bathroom, already palming himself over his pants.

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