can i eat you out?

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"don't call me that, oikawa. not after what you did to me..."

oikawa scoffs at her words and straightens his back, leaning away from her. "what i did? you're the one who moved away, kamine. you left me. not the other way around."

kamine looks away from him, her hands balled into fists. "you're the one who stopped calling me after i moved away."

oikawa stiffens at her words, knowing she was right. they'd both been inseparable ever since they were kids. he went as far as to call her his best friend. that is, until she left him.

"...sorry.." his voice was barely a whisper. a part of him didn't want her to hear it but another part of him wanted to get down on his knees and tell her how much he missed her.

"... what was that?" kamine could feel a small smirk appear on her lips at his words.

"i-i'm not saying it again!"

"alright, alright. apology accepted."



"you know, it's your turn to say sorry now." oikawa pouts, crossing his arms over his chest.

"apologize for what? moving away? it's not like i could help it. my family was moving so naturally, id have to go too."

"you could've stayed with me, you know?"


"you used to call me tooru..."

kamine rolls her eyes and moves past him to get to the door. or at least she tried to.

she lets out a soft squeal of surprise as she feels two strong hands on her waist, swiftly picking her up and placing her on the desk. a sharp gasp leaves her lips as oikawa stands between her legs, both of them impossibly close.

oikawa leans in closer, his hands sliding down her waist to her hips, squeezing her flesh softly. "say it." his breath hits her parted lips, their cupid's bows brushing against one another. "say my name."


"good girl." with that, oikawa closes the small gap between them, capturing her lips in a slow, sensual kiss. he could feel his heart skip a beat as he feels her lips for the first time, as he tastes her for the first time. he couldn't even count how many times he'd dreamed of this moment.

his hands leave her hips, moving up to cup her face so he could tilt her head up slightly, kissing her even deeper. he chuckles as he hears her small whimper, using the opportunity to slip his tongue into her awaiting mouth.

hesitantly, kamine's hands reach forward to grab a fistful of his shirt, trying to pull him closer.

eventually, oikawa pulls away for a moment, panting against her lips as he takes a moment to admire her flushed face. "you're still... just as beautiful as i remember..." he whisper softly, his thumbs brushing against her cheekbones.

kamine blushes even deeper, trying to close her thighs but oikawa continued to stand between them. she shivers as she feels her hands leave her face to grab her thighs, playing with the band of her thigh high socks.

"tooru..." she whispers breathlessly, trying not to let it show how much his touch and his mere presence was affecting her.

oikawa stays quiet for a moment, snapping the band of her stocking against the porcelain skin of her thigh, his fingers brushing against the hem of her school skirt.

"can i eat you out, kamine-chan?"

both of them stood shell-shocked at his words, realizing what he just asked her.

well... it was too late now.

"please? i promise ill make you feel good." he whisper lowly, his voice dropping an octave as his palm smooths over her thigh, the tips of his fingers slipping under the hem of her skirt.

kamine pursed her lips, not knowing what to say. on one hand, she'd finally be able to live out one of the many wet dreams she has about oikawa. on the other hand, she was half-sure that he was just doing this to one-up matsukawa and hanamaki.

"i... tooru..." she but her bottom lip, feeling warmth pool in her lower stomach as she feels his fingers press into the fat of her thigh. "o-okay..."

oikawa grins toothily, leaning in to peck her lips before he drops down to his knees. he presses his cheek against her thigh, looking up at her with an unreadable look as he slowly slides her panties down her legs, slyly slipping them into his pocket.

"hold this." he whispers as he guides her to hold up the hem of her skirt, his strong hands slowly parting her thighs so he could reveal her lovely little-

"fuck, kamine-chan... you're even more beautiful than i imagined." he whispers breathlessly, his lips parting and his mouth salivating at the sight of her pink pussy, glistening with her arousal.

without a moment's hesitation, he dives forward right between her legs, his tongue noisily slurping up all her essence as he dips it between her folds.

kamine's thighs clamp shut around his head, her hand flying down to grab at his hair as she lets go of her skirt, feeling the tip of his tongue poke her swollen clit. "ah, tooru... please..."

oikawa moans into her pussy, practically making out with it as he wraps his lips around her swollen nub, his fingers digging into her hips as he tries to hold her still.

he never imagined that she'd taste this sweet. he was already getting drunk on her addictive taste, he couldn't even begin to imagine what her cum would taste like. but he was certainly determined to find out.

he dips his head down a bit, moaning as kamine's fingers tug at his brown locks just as he slides his tongue into her tight little hole. he opens his eyes for a moment and he was immediately greeted by the lovely sight of her eyes rolling into the back of her skull.

her plump, kiss-swollen lips were parted, whispering his name like a prayer as she rolls her hips against his face. her thighs tightened and trembled around his head, close to suffocating him. but if you asked oikawa, he couldn't think of a more perfect way to die; right between her legs, bringing her pleasure like no other.

he knew she was close, her whispers were getting louder and her hips were getting more frantic as she ground her pussy against his mouth. his nose nudges against her clit as he continues to fuck her with his tongue.

his jaw burned from the effort but he could care less, he'd keep doing this over and over and over until-

fuck, there it was.

oikawa let out a loud, muffled, drawn-out moan as he feels her cum flood into mouth, flowing down his throat like honey. he greedily swallowed down every single drop, making her tremble from the overstimulation.

he gently kisses her clit right before he gets up from the floor, leaning down to kiss her without a word. both of them let out soft hums of pleasure, kissing each other sloppily before kamine finally pulls away.


"yeah?" he whispers softly, a small smile on his face as he dips his head to nuzzle his nose against her neck, his palms laid flat against the desk on either sides of her hips. "what is it, kamine-chan?"

"we're... never doing that again."

"hehe, we'll see." he chuckles softly before gently guiding her off the desk, wiping down some of her dripped essence.

"hey, where are my panties?" kamine asks softly, making oikawa grin.

"oh, i don't know. were you wearing one today?"

that earned him a glare.

"give it back."

oikawa sighs in defeat, walking closer to her slowly. in a split second, he was jumping over the desk and dashing out of the room and down the hallway. she could faintly hear him shout something.

"i'll see you later, kamine-chan!"

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