train ride

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"what took you so long, crappykawa?" iwaizumi snaps as soon as the brown-haired captain walks into the gym. his eye twitches in annoyance as oikawa poses in front of him.

"sorry, iwa-chan. i was making out with our lovely little president."

"tch. yeah right. she wouldn't be caught dead making out with someone like you, shittykawa."

"still not liking the nicknames..."

this time, makki chimes in. "he's right, captain. yamashiro is like, way out of your league. just stick to your fangirls, why don't you? leave the 'lovely little president' to me and mattsun." he could hear the aforementioned boy snicker at oikawa's defeated expression.

"yeah yeah. anyway, she said she'll have the buses arranged in two days, so we won't have to worry about anything."

"two days? she must really want to get rid of you, oikawa." matsukawa adds, knowing how oikawa tends to follow you around like a lost little puppy.

"tch. whatever." oikawa rolls his eyes and picks up another ball, walking towards the court.

makki and mattsun looks at their captain before bidding goodbye to the rest of the team.

"dude, i think we already missed our train. we're gonna have to take the 8pm one." makki groans in annoyance as he collapses onto the bench.

"why don't we just walk?"

"hell no! we just practiced for five hours straight. i'm not-"


"i'm not gonna spend another hour walking-"


"walking halfway across the whole-"



"look." matsukawa points to a lone figure standing against the wall, her eyes fixed on her phone screen. "is that who i think it is?"

makki grins wolfishly, his eyes darkening slightly at the sight of the beautiful girl who was the object of desire of the nearly half of the school. "who knew? little miss president takes the train with the commoners."

"you know she's not like that, makki. this just means that she usually finishes her work later than us. and that she's probably been traveling by the same train that we usually do."

"yeah... if i knew it sooner, i would've started staying late with oikawa at practice so i can see her on the train."

"...makki... you're down bad."

"shut up! don't act like you don't like her either!"

mattsun grins, standing up from the bench to get a better look at the black-haired beauty. "oh i certainly do like her." makki gapes as his friend is suddenly walking towards the unsuspecting girl.

"for fuck's sake..." makki grumbles and begrudgingly begins to follow after him.

"hey there, ms. president. fancy meeting you here." mattsun says flirtatiously, leaning against the wall right in front of her.

kamine blinks and looks up at him, taking one look before sighing tiredly. she reaches up to take one of her earbuds out, glaring at the taller boy. "you volleyball players have nothing better to do than bother me, don't you? why're you here? did your pathetic excuse of a captain send you here to annoy me?"

"haha, of course not. we just missed our train and were waiting for the next one. meeting you here was just a coincidence."

kamine narrows her eyes at him before placing her earbuds back in. "right, a coincidence. now leave me alone. i already have to deal with you half-wits at school. i don't want to have to deal with you people outside now."

makki chuckles and approaches her from the back, leaning closer to take her earbuds out again, his breath brushing against her neck as he whispers. "oh come on, don't be like that. you know we appreciate everything that you do for us, miss president. i thought we were friends."

"friends...?" kamine's face almost contorts with disgust at the foreign word, a witty comeback on the tip of her tongue. her words quickly die down in her throat as she suddenly feels makki blow air onto her nape, making her shiver.

mattsun couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle at her response, leaning in closer and closer until-

the sudden arrival of the train breaks the three of them out of their trace.

kamine quickly grabs the opportunity and slips out from between the two boys, trying to ignore the sudden warmth pooling in her lower stomach as she boards the crowded train.

makki and mattsun both share a glance, a single thought uniting them both: they needed to go after her.

like a predator stalking its prey, they both board the train, easily spotting the girl in the crowd. acting subtle, they both began to make their way deeper into the crowd until makki was behind her again, mattsun at her front.

the latter bites his lip as he feels every inch of her supple body press against his hardened one, looking down to see her voluptuous chest squished against his.

feeling himself grow harder underneath his pants, he leans down to whisper in her ear. "you shouldn't have run away, princess. now we're going to have to punish you."

mattsun looks up at his friend, watching him nod with a devilish grin before makki slowly circles his hands around her middle, his hands smoothing over her soft stomach, playing with the waistband of her skirt.

he leans down as well, nibbling on her earlobe as he feels her breathing pick up. "tell me what you want, princess."

kamine chews on her bottom lip, feeling her honey begin to drip out of her at their words, but her pride made it difficult for her to give in.

mattsun knew she needed a little more convincing and decided to take matters into his own hands. literally.

his hands slowly snaked around her body as well, his large palms smoothing over the fat globes of her ass, kneading the plush flesh.

he could feel her lean against him, her breath fanning across his clothed chest as her body trembles.

makki, in turn, slides his hand under her skirt, stopping just short of where she needed him most, his fingers brushing against the edge of her panties.

"please..." she finally whimpers softly, her eyes tearing up.

"what was that, darling?" mattsun grins, his hands still kneading her plump ass cheeks.

his breath hitches in his throat as he looks down, only to be greeted by the breathtaking sight of her flushed face, her large doe eyes lined with unshed tears and her plump bottom lip pushed out in a pout.

"p-please... want you to touch me.."

makki kisses her shoulder, his fingers finally slipping under her panties.

"say no more, princess. let us take care of you."

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