first date

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matsukawa was avoiding her. usually, he'd greet her at the gate while he waited for makki, a playful grin on his face and a gentle teasing remark on his lips about he she was always on time.

but today, the spot remained empty, devoid of his familiar presence. confusion gnawed at kamine's insides as she made her way through the bustling halls of their high school.

the whispers of her classmates seemed to follow her, their curious glances only adding to her growing unease. she glanced around, hoping to catch a glimpse of matsukawa among the sea of students, but he was nowhere to be found.

it wasn't like him to skip school without a word, especially not when the spring high tournament was so close. as she slid into her seat in the classroom, her mind raced with questions, each one more troubling than the last. was he avoiding her on purpose? did she do something wrong yesterday? and if so, what?

the minutes ticked by, each one stretching into an eternity as kamine struggled to focus on the lesson at hand.

when the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, kamkne hesitated for a moment, her fingers fidgeting nervously with the strap of her bag. should she go looking for matsukawa? confront him about his strange behavior? after all, he was the closest to her after oikawa.

but before she could make up her mind, hanamaki appeared at her side, his expression playful as he leaned in close. "hey, ms. president," he said, his voice low and teasing.

her heart skipped a beat at his tone, and she greeted him back, "hello, takahiro. is issei- ahem, is matsukawa with you?"

she watched his expression falter for a moment before he smiled at her again, leaning on his elbows. "no, he said he's sick or something. didn't come today." his voice felt different, an unusual hint of envy adding depth to his tone. "you both are on a first name basis now?"

"i-it just happened. it doesn't mean anything. i mean, i call you by your first name too."

"...right. i guess im just surprised. i know what you two did yesterday. i'm just..."

"you're just what?"

makki lifted his head up to look at her, his gaze intense and unreadable before he shakes his head. "shit, i should've expected it. i didn't think he was actually..."

"takahiro? what're you talking about?" he looks away from her, his hands slowly balling into fists before he looks at her again.

"it's not my place to say. i'll let mattsun explain it to you."


makki suddenly shakes his head vigorously, turning towards her with a bright smile. "shit, i forgot what i came here for." he reaches forward and gently takes one of her hands in both of his. "remember that night we called?"

kamine blushes at the memory, quickly pushing the vulgar thoughts away before nodding shakily.

"i promised that i'd take you out on a date once i got back. today's our day off so, get ready. i'll pick you up at 6."

"w-wait, what?! i'm not-"

he reaches forward and silences her with a finger to her lips. "i know what you're gonna say. and don't worry, i have it handled. i already asked your vice president to take care of all your duties for today. so we both can leave early."

he picks up her hand, pressing a kiss to the back of her hand. "dress up for me, okay? okay." he leans forward to press a quick kiss to her lips, leaving her stunned. "consider this as my way of saying that i like you. i'll make sure this is the best gosh darn date you've ever had."

"it's... actually going to be my first date..."

"that's even better! i'll make it one that you'll remember for the rest of your life. now go get ready, princess. i'd take you home but i still have something i gotta take care of. see you then!"

kamine watches him run off with that while her form still sat stunned in her chair, a bit overwhelmed by everything. she took a moment to regain her composure, a small smile gracing her lips at the thought of someone taking her out on a date.

she'd never admit it, but she'd always wanted to experience those high school romances people talk about in movies. and while her relationship with the four boys wasn't exactly conventional, she still appreciated the fact that each of them cared in their own way.

with every passing second ticking away, kamine hastily gathers her belongings, a sense of urgency propelling her movements as she flees the school grounds.

in the whirlwind of departure, a pang of longing creeps into her thoughts—she can't help but wish for a close girlfriend to turn to advice for on the delicate matter of first date attire. yet, amid this fleeting lament, she finds solace in the reassuring presence of her ever-supportive mother.

their shared anticipation fills the room as they embark on the task of transforming kamine's appearance. as the minutes slip by, kamine watches in awe as her reflection undergoes a metamorphosis before her eyes. adorned in a cropped cardigan draped over a vibrant, floral-patterned midi dress, meticulously chosen by her mother to accentuate her figure, she can't help but marvel at the transformation.

fingers trembling with nervous energy, she tugs at the hem of the cardigan, a gesture of both uncertainty and anticipation. she marvels at her mother's knowledge of slang as the woman suddenly comments that the dress makes her waist look 'snatched.'

as she slips into her crisp white sneakers, a surge of excitement courses through her veins. will hanamaki recognize her in this unfamiliar guise? he's probably only ever seen her in her school uniform. what if he thinks this style doesn't suit her? what if he-

"there! you look so pretty, my beautiful girl." her mother gushed as she finished doing her hair. her normally pin straight hair was now curled into soft waves with a white ribbon tied in the middle to match her dress.

"mom... maybe i should cancel. i- i can't-"

her mother immediately knew what her daughter was thinking and quickly interrupts her sentence by cupping her face. "hush now, darling. you look absolutely lovely. any boy would be so lucky to be able to go on a date with such a wonderful girl like you. and if he doesn't like you then it's his loss."

the older woman presses her lips against her daughter's forehead before pulling away with a kind smile. "now then. let mommy take a picture of you. i want you to remember how beautiful you looked on your first date when you're old and wrinkly like me."

"mom, you're still so beautiful too. and no, i'm not taking a picture. you know i don't like it."

"i know, i know. it was worth a shot though." her mother chuckled softly, their shared moment being interrupted by the sudden chime of their doorbell.

"shoot, that must be him. do i look okay?" kamine stiffened up at the sound of the bell, looking at her mother expectantly.

"you look absolutely ravishing. like a true princess. go now. before your father scares the poor boy away." her mother smiles and gives her a thumbs up, cleaning up her daughter's room as kamine quietly begins to trudge downstairs.

her heart slowly begins to pick up with each step she took, her eyes flitting towards her father's back as he stood in the doorway, hiding hanamaki from her view.

she cleared her throat as she stood behind him, watching as her father steps out of her way to reveal hanamaki.

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