first time

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as soon as those words left her lips, kamine silently prayed to whatever deity out there to open up the ground and make it swallow her whole. anything to escape from the sheer embarrassment she felt after she blurted out her innermost thoughts.

she groaned into her hands and laid her head down on the desk, not wanting to see what kind of expression iwaizumi had on his face.

after a couple of minutes of silence, she realized she had to apologize. she was no better than that idiot, oikawa at this point.

"iwaizumi, i'm so-" as soon as she lifts her head up, she feels every single word dying in her throat as the man in front of her leans forward to kiss her deeply.

kamine's eyes widen momentarily before she quickly eases into the moment. without breaking the kiss, she begins to climb onto the desk, letting iwaizumi pull her in by her waist, setting her right on top of his lap as he continues to kiss her passionately.

he lets out a low moan that reverberated through his throat, his hands massaging her waist as he feels her arms snake around his neck.

neither of them part for a few more minutes, continuing to make out messily until their lungs were finally burning, begging for air. iwaizumi reluctantly pulls back, keeping his forehead pressed against hers as he pants softly.

"you want me to choke you? dirty girl..."

she whimpers at his words, her eyes blown wide as she tears up slightly. "y-yes, wanna... want you to choke me, iwaizumi.."

"call me hajime." he whispers breathlessly and slams his lips back onto hers, forcing his tongue through her lips and into her mouth.

his hands make quick work of her uniform, nearly ripping it open in frustration as she works through each button.

"tell me to stop." he growls against her lips, trying to hold himself back. his hands flexed and his muscles bulged through the thin fabric restricting him as he pulls her skirt off.

"don't... don't stop. want you to keep going. please..." kamine whispers softly, her own hands swiftly undoing each button on his uniform. she rolled her hips experimentally, halting her movements as she heard iwaizumi let out a low moan.

"fuck, you're driving me crazy, kamine." as soon as she was in her underwear, he lifts her up onto the bed, climbing on top of her immediately after. he hovered menacingly, his eyes raking over every inch of her ethereal form. "you're so fucking beautiful..."

he leans down and kisses her neck, biting down on her collarbone as he reaches down to slide her panties off, throwing them off the bed to join the rest of their clothes.

he presses open-mouthed kisses down her body, nuzzling his face into her cleavage right as he slips a finger in, groaning as he feels her arousal. "so fucking wet for me. have you been thinking about me all this time?"

he lifts his head up to watch her nod shyly, grinning triumphantly as he unhooks her bra with one hand, letting her pull it off the rest of the way.

he attaches his lips to one of her pert, pink nipples, sucking softly as he eases another finger inside of her. he was in awe at her responsive she was, loving the way she was writhing underneath him.

he took his time to stretch her out and prepare her for his cock, watching her every expression as he continues to suckle on her pink buds.

he pulls away with a soft 'pop', kissing her lips before he reaches down for his bag, taking out a condom.

"oikawa gave this to me a while ago. i'm glad i finally have a use for it." he whispers in her ear as he climbs over her body again.

he unbuckles his pants and takes them off all the way, jerking himself off a couple of times. he rips the condom open with his teeth, rolling it over his hardened cock before he lines himself up with her soaked entrance.

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