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- Macau Theerapanyakul - 17 years old- Vegas's younger brother - From minor family - Love Vegas, save Porchay at the bar and later fall in love with Porchay-Rival with Kim Kimhan

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- Macau Theerapanyakul
- 17 years old
- Vegas's younger brother
- From minor family
- Love Vegas, save Porchay at the bar and later fall in love with Porchay
-Rival with Kim Kimhan

- Macau Theerapanyakul - 17 years old- Vegas's younger brother - From minor family - Love Vegas, save Porchay at the bar and later fall in love with Porchay-Rival with Kim Kimhan

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-Porchay Kittisawat
-17 years old
- Porsche's younger brother
- Love music
- Heart broken because of Kim Kimhan but later fell in love with Macau
- Love Porsche very much..

- Kim Kimhan- 20 years old- Thankhun and Kinn younger brother- From main family- Used to have a feelings towards Porchay but hurt Porchay because of Korn

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- Kim Kimhan
- 20 years old
- Thankhun and Kinn younger brother
- From main family
- Used to have a feelings towards Porchay but hurt Porchay because of Korn

- Kim Kimhan- 20 years old- Thankhun and Kinn younger brother- From main family- Used to have a feelings towards Porchay but hurt Porchay because of Korn

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- Porsche Kittisawat
- 22 years old
- Work as a bartender at Yok Bar
- Have a younger brother name Porchay
- Love his younger brother very much..
- Consider Macau as his brother too
- Vegas love interest..

- Vegas Theerapanyakul - 22 years old - From minor family - Macau older brother - Love Macau very much

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- Vegas Theerapanyakul
- 22 years old
- From minor family
- Macau older brother
- Love Macau very much..
- Consider Porchay as his younger brother too..
- Porsche love interest..

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