Chapter 6

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Vegas and Porsche finally arrives at Theerapanyakul mansion..

Porsche feel shock and ask

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Porsche feel shock and ask.. 'Is that Theerapanyakul house Mr Vegas?' Vegas smile and answer back.. 'Yes, Porsche.. That's right.. This is where Mr Korn, Phi Thankhun and Phi Kinn live.. While as for Kim.. Kim stay by his own.. He have his own house.. Let's go inside shall we?' Porsche look at Vegas with a worry expression and ask.. 'What if they don't like me Mr Vegas?' Vegas hold Porsche's hand and say.. 'Trust me Porsche.. They will love you...Come on.. Let's go inside..' Porsche smile at Vegas and get down from Vegas's car and walk towards the gate.. Vegas is about to press the intercom button but stop as he see Macau and Chay riding a bicycle together.. Porsche then say..' That's our brothers.. What are they doing here Mr Vegas?' Porsche feel shock as Porchay run towards him and give Porsche a tight hug while crying... Macau get down from the bicycle and park the bicycles outside and look at Vegas then say... 'Let's go inside phi.. I will give you a time for you to introduce phi Porsche to our family.. Then.. I will explain everything..' Porsche stroke Porchay's head gently and say.. 'Shh.. Shh.. Chay.. Sweetheart.. What's wrong hmm? What happen? Did Macau do something to you?' Porchay look at Porsche with a teary eyes and say.. 'No.. No.. Please.. Im begging you phi Porsche.. Please don't hurt phi Macau.. Please.. He didn't do anything wrong.. Phi Macau is the one who saved me..' Suddenly.. Thankhun come out from the mansion and see Vegas.. Macau along with Porsche and Porchay and say..' Vegas.. Macau.. You bring a guest.. Come on in.. 'Vegas hold Porsche's hands while Macau hold Porchay's hands and walk into the mansion and see Mr Korn and Kinn sit together on the sofa

 'Vegas hold Porsche's hands while Macau hold Porchay's hands and walk into the mansion and see Mr Korn and Kinn sit together on the sofa

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Mr Korn and Kinn turn around and look at Vegas and Macau.. Mr Korn then ask..' Vegas.. Macau.. Who are they? 'Vegas and Macau quickly kneel and look at them.. Thankhun help Vegas and Macau to stand up and ask..' Who are they Vegas.. Macau? Just tell us.. There's nothing to be afraid of.. 'Porsche hold Porchay's hand and say..' Sawadeekap..My name is Porsche Pachara Kittisawat and this is my younger brother.. Porchay Pichaya Kittisawat.. Its very nice to meet you all.. 'Korn.. Thankhun and Kinn smile at them.. Porchay suddenly lose his balance and fall on the ground and faint.. Macau feel shock and say..' Porchay! 'Porsche hold Porchay in his arms and say..' Chay! Wake up! Mr Vegas! Please help me! We must take him to the hospital now! 'Porsche start to feel panic even more.. Vegas then say..' Porsche.. Please calm down alright.. Macau.. Please help me to carry Porchay.. We must put him on the sofa.. 'Macau nod and help Vegas to carry Porchay and put him on the sofa..

Thankhun then ask..' Vegas.. Why did you bring Porsche to our house? And you Macau.. What's going on? 'Vegas.. Porsche and Macau look at each other and silent for a few minutes.. Vegas then answer back..' Well.. Porsche and I spend time together at my house.. Then we decided to come here.. I want to introduce Porsche to all of you.. To make it short.. Porsche is my partner..' Porsche feel shock by those words that come out from Vegas's mouth.. Vegas pull Porsche by his waist and look at him with a soft gaze.. Kinn look at Porsche and speak in his heart..' This man is really attractive.. Why Vegas need to have him anyway? 'Mr Korn then look at Macau and notice Macau's face is pale.. Mr Korn touch Macau's shoulder gently and ask..' Son... What happen to you and Porchay? 'Macau then say..' We managed to escape from phi Porsche's house just now.. '

Vegas and Porsche frown and look at Macau.. Porsche then ask..' Escape? What happened? Escape from what? From who? 'Macau then answers back..' Porchay and I spend our time together in Porchay's room.. Suddenly.. Kim came over.. We escaped through the window.. He chased after us but fail as Porchay and I found a bicycles.. Im worry about Porchay's safety phi Porsche..'Thankun then sigh heavily and say..' Kim won't stop doing it until he get what he wants.. 'Porsche squeeze his fist and say..' If Kim is dare to touch Porchay.. I will kill him..'Porchay open his eyes and say.. Phi Macau... Phi...' Macau approach Porchay and kneel infront of him.. Porsche then walk towards Porchay and say.. 'Hey nong...don't worry.. Everything is fine now..' Thankun then say.. 'Kinn.. We must speak to Kim about this matter.. We can't let him do whatever he wants.. Just because Macau already have Porchay..' Porsche stroke Porchay's head gently and say.. 'Let's go back to our house now Chay..' Vegas turn around and see Kim's car.. Vegas then say.. 'Porsche.. both need to take Porchay and go upstairs.. Kim is here.. Don't worry.. I will try to distract him..' Macau then ask.. What about the bicycles? 'Thankun then say..' Don't worry.. We will handle it from here.. Off you go now.. 'Macau and Porsche help Porchay to stand up and take him to go upstairs and hide in one of the rooms..

As Kim go in.. Kim then see Vegas and ask..' What's up bro? 'Vegas try his best to relax and answer back..' Its good to see you here Kim.. What's up? 'Kim message his forehead and sit down on the sofa.. Korn then sit beside Kim and ask..' How are you doing son? Is everything alright? 'Kim smile a little and say..' Im fine Pa.. Since I broke up with Porchay.. My life became like this..'Kinn then say..' Kim.. You must let Porchay go.. You deserve better..'Kim scoff and say..' My life is getting better after I met Chay, Kinn..but he left me...'Vegas shake his head slowly and ask..' Did you ever ask yourself Kim? Why the hell Porchay left you? 'Kim stand up and punch Vegas's face until Vegas fall on the ground and yell..' Its because of your little brother your bastard!! 'Thankun quickly help Vegas to stand up and say..' Enough Kim! We never raised you to be this way!'Vegas chuckle while wipe the blood that come out from his nose and say..' If my brother can make Chay happy, you must let them to be happy Kim.. If you ever lay a finger on Macau.. I swear.. I will make you pay with your life!!'Vegas look at Kim with anger.. Kim punch Vegas again and say..' Stay out of this matter if you didn't want anything bad happen to Porsche and Macau!! 'Kim push Vegas out of his way and leave Theerapanyakul mansion..

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