Chapter 5

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Macau pov..

Macau and Porchay decided to take a rest after eating... Porchay then ask...'Phi..aren't you feel bored to stay here with me?Im sure phi Vegas must be worry about you..' Macau smile at Porchay and reply back.. 'I guess..our brothers are having fun together right now..' Porchay then say.. 'Im just worry about you phi.. Im afraid that phi Kim will come here to kill you.. or kill me.. He is such a dangerous man..' Macau pull Porchay close to him and kiss his forehead and say.. 'That's because.. Kim Kimhan came from a main family.. Kim have another 2 siblings.. Phi Thankhun and Phi Kinn.. Kim is the 3rd brother..' Porchay then say.. 'I don't know why he act that way... He used to care about me.. Then.. he...' Macau rub Porchay's shoulder gently and say.. 'Chay.. You should forget about that man.. A man like Kim won't give you a happiness.. I know it's very hard for you to trust me since I came from a minor family.. But I promise you Chay... I will take care of you.. I will never hurt you like Kim did..' Chay put his head on Macau's shoulder and close his eyes...Macau smile softly and stroke Porchay's head gently.. Suddenly Macau's phone is ringing.. Macau then take out his phone and see Tee's name on it and reject the call..

Porchay then say..' You should answer it phi Macau...who knows it's might be important..' Macau smile at Porchay and say... 'When Im spending my time with someone.. I didn't want to be disturb..' Macau trace Porchay's face using his index finger.. Porchay close his eyes and feel relax.. Macau then ask.. 'I know it Chay.. I know you going to love it..'Porchay kiss Macau's index finger gently and look at him.. Macau stroke Porchay's cheek gently and lean closer towards Porchay's face.. Porchay's phone suddenly ring as well.. Porchay see Kim's name on it and say..' Its Phi Kim.. 'Macau then take Porchay's phone and block Kim's contact number and say...' Now.. no one is able to disturb us anymore.. Porchay smile and continue to spend his time with Macau.. Macau then say.. 'Chay...' Porchay open his eyes and look at Macau.. Macau then reply back.. 'Let's go upstairs Chay..' Porchay then say.. 'My room is full with phi Kim's picture....'Macau smile a little and pull Porchay to go upstairs.. Macau then open the door and say..' Chay.. Let's throw everything away... 'Porchay nod and start to take off all Kim' s picture on the wall including the school uniform.. Macau smile at Porchay and help Porchay to get rid all Kim's picture.. After 10 minutes later.. Macau and Chay lay down on the bed and look at each other... Chay then walk towards the door and lock it while Macau pull off the curtains..

Porchay's room suddenly become dark.. Macau then stare at Porchay's face and say.. 'Chay...' Porchay smile at Macau and say... 'Phi..' Porchay didn't know what's possess him.. Chay slowly lean near Macau and kiss Macau's lips softly and look at him.. Macau then stroke Porchay's head gently and say.. 'Don't test me Chay.. You know what will happen to you if I lose control later..' Chay kiss Macau's forehead gently and say.. 'Phi...' Macau hug Chay in his arms and say.. 'Don't worry Chay.. You are safe with me..' Porchay close his eyes and feel Macau's warm body near him.. Chay smirk a little and kiss Macau's chest softly and sniff it.. Macau chuckle and ask.. 'You want it that much hmm?' Macau then kiss Porchay's neck gently and lick his jawlines...Porchay then kiss Macau's lips softly and touch their foreheads together.. Macau chuckle softly and continue to kiss Porchay again and again.. Macau unbotton Porchay's school uniform and expose his shoulder a little and kiss it gently.. Porchay smile at Macau and stroke his head gently and say.. 'I know this is too fast for both of us phi Macau.. But.. I really want to forget phi Kim..'Macau is about to kiss Porchay but got stop by a sudden bang from the outside.. Both Macau and Chay feel shock and look at each other with anxious expression.. Kim' s loud voice make Chay quickly hug Macau.. Kim then yell from the outside.. Chay!! Open up the door! I know you are in there with that bastard! Open this door or I will shoot!! Porchay!! 'Porchay then ask.. Phi.. What are we going to do?..Im really scared..' Macau then look at the window and say.. 'Chay.. We didn't have any other choice.. We must escape from the window before Kim catch both of us..' Porchay nod slowly and quickly wear his uniform and so does Macau.. Macau pull Porchay close to him and help Chay to get through the window.. Macau then say..' You must jump off Chay.. Trust me.. Everything will be fine...I will be right behind you..'Kim yell again from the outside and say..' Chay! Don't test my patience! I will shoot the door!! 'A loud bang come from the outside make Macau and Porchay fall on the ground.. Macau hiss in pain and say..' Oh God.. Chay... 'Porchay then say..' Phi.. Don't worry about me... Im fine... Lets escape from here.. 'Macau help Porchay to stand up and run towards the front gate and notice Kim's car... Macau then say..' It seems that Kim came here without a bodyguard.. That means.. We can escape from here Chay.. 'Porchay feel shock as he hears Kim' s voice... Kim then yell again from the window.. 'Chay! Don't you dare to run!! Come here before I rip your head off!!' Macau hold Porchay's hand and start to run away from the house... Kim start to chase after them from behind.. Macau then say.. 'There's a bicycle! We need to ride a bicycle.. Let's go to Theerapanyakul mansion! We will be safe there!' Porchay nod and ride a bicycle with Macau.. Both of them then ride the bicycle to Theerapanyakul mansion... Kim stop running as he feel his breath is short.. Kim then punch the wall twice and say..' Just wait Chay... I will get you back.. I will make sure you will crawl back to me.. And you Macau... I will definitely end your life..' Kim smirk evilly and leave..

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